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Current special Lewis Stores - Valid from 23.05 to 21.06 - Page nb 6

Special Lewis Stores 23.05.2023 - 21.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAMANTHA 15-PIECE SUPER LUXURY COMBO SET QUEEN ‘Fits on both doutie and queen © Consists ot: Comforter, 2 pllow cases, 2 unined curtains. 2x te backs, 1 set teal 1 set tiush © Also avaable in a variety of options. MANTHA pS Tena TT) os El cog", SVE BIND UV RPeasna evar oa sei aae sd ceo sp OO) {SINGLE PLY 1.85KG leaner |TRIO PACK ate SPLY MINK: SHERPA. TRIO PACK INDALO 2PLY THEMBI 21-PIECE ESSENTIAL COMFORTER SET QUEEN °° Fits on both double and queen Consists of: Comforter, 1 pillowcase, 2 uniined curtains, 2 tiebacks REECE 24-PIECE LUXURY COMFORTER SET QUEEN * Fits on both double and queen * Consists of: comforter, 2 pillowcases, 2 continental pilawcases. * Also available in a variety of options. G3) yl Saari REY DOUBLE aaa FAVAILABLE Mt ak uimsal aucun (sass: souk saaeee environment where children can socialise, play safely and develop creativity and problem-solving skills. Lewis is always eager to support ECD centres because we believe that early childhood education is an essential investment in our children’s future. ED ovrenest nave 23.25%.

Latest specials

SAMANTHA 15-PIECE SUPER LUXURY COMBO SET QUEEN ‘Fits on both doutie and queen © Consists ot: Comforter, 2 pllow cases, 2 unined curtains. 2x te backs, 1 set teal 1 set tiush © Also avaable in a variety of options. MANTHA pS Tena TT) os El cog", SVE BIND UV RPeasna evar oa sei aae sd ceo sp OO) {SINGLE PLY 1.85KG leaner |TRIO PACK ate SPLY MINK: SHERPA. TRIO PACK INDALO 2PLY THEMBI 21-PIECE ESSENTIAL COMFORTER SET QUEEN °° Fits on both double and queen Consists of: Comforter, 1 pillowcase, 2 uniined curtains, 2 tiebacks REECE 24-PIECE LUXURY COMFORTER SET QUEEN * Fits on both double and queen * Consists of: comforter, 2 pillowcases, 2 continental pilawcases. * Also available in a variety of options. G3) yl Saari REY DOUBLE aaa FAVAILABLE Mt ak uimsal aucun (sass: souk saaeee environment where children can socialise, play safely and develop creativity and problem-solving skills. Lewis is always eager to support ECD centres because we believe that early childhood education is an essential investment in our children’s future. ED ovrenest nave 23.25%.

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