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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 08.09 to 18.09 - Page nb 5

Special OK Furniture 08.09.2022 - 18.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE °900 P2999 NOW ONLY SAVE °350 P29s Pgg99 =: P2499 P'129 x 30 Months. it P90. Deposit P250. Total Payable P3789 409 x 30 Months. P109 x 30 Months. id Lg at 24% Int, Total Payable P12099 Total Payable P3189 x30 Hisense at 24% Int. His Int. DEFY, lisense Lee Titanium White Chest Ae eee Silver-Finish Satin-Metallic Freezer H125CF Top-Freezer Side-by-Side * 2-Year Guarantee Fridge Freezer-Fridge en rer DFRaS6 P 3699 H225TTS #342 Years ° 4-Year (with Guarantee rocdetration) Ea RATING RATING. rae natiNe. H 890mm W 575mm D 495mm SAVE °150 a SAVE 100 Deposit 280. Deposit 530, P119 x 30 Months. P219 x 30 Months. ate) Vota Payable P3549 Total Payable P6579 — at 24% Int. at 24% int. no DEFY se Metallic White Chest Freezer RATING ae Chest Freezer RATING DMF454 CF410HC H | 1600mm | Aratine DMF451 roe * Contents not included W. 540m | H 860mm CF210HC n °3+42 Years "te W 751mm *°3+42 Years ‘W) 1285mm_ (with registration) D 587mm eee (with registration) D 725mm Warranty la farranty SAVE °200 BREE SAVE?200 SAVE °200 SAVE P150 220mm H 990mm “rm P4QQG “om PAQQQ P2499 «P1199 W 830mm ‘Deposit P200, Deposit P500, Deposit P250. Deposit P120, D 490mm P89 x30 Months, D 630mm 530 Months, 109 x 30 Months. P59 x 30 Months. Total Total Payable P6219 Total Payable P3189 Total Payable P1629 at 24% Int. Samat 24% Int. at 24% Int. Hisense Titanium Black 4-Plate Mini Oven Grey Compact Stove | MOH9328B Washi Top-Loader Dss514 ¢ 2-Year Warranty Machine Washing * Contents not DTT169 Machine included WIX/ *3-Year Warranty WTJA1302T Guarantee SAVE °80 SAVE 120 NOW ONLY P999 P4249 siimiine Hob P2999 wetallic oven P PM Deposit P100. Deposit P10, with Control Deposit P300 DBO487E ret 49 x 30 Months. 59x30 Months. Panel DHD415 P129x 30 Months, ¢ 3-Year Total Payable P1389 Total Payable P1689 © 2-Year Warranty ‘Total Payable P3789 Warranty Peete at 24% Int. at 24% het at 24% Int Total Payable P1149 at 24% Int. DEFY Metallic Cookerhood Pes DCH291M ba °799 * 2-Year Warranty RATING Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner HWD10 Ng aD) BY ed] P149” Mpbedes YLT 4 SC [Hisense | ee Metallic Mirror-Door Microwave Oven H36MOMMI ae * 10-Litre Tank «5m Cord © Wet and Dry

Latest specials

SAVE °900 P2999 NOW ONLY SAVE °350 P29s Pgg99 =: P2499 P'129 x 30 Months. it P90. Deposit P250. Total Payable P3789 409 x 30 Months. P109 x 30 Months. id Lg at 24% Int, Total Payable P12099 Total Payable P3189 x30 Hisense at 24% Int. His Int. DEFY, lisense Lee Titanium White Chest Ae eee Silver-Finish Satin-Metallic Freezer H125CF Top-Freezer Side-by-Side * 2-Year Guarantee Fridge Freezer-Fridge en rer DFRaS6 P 3699 H225TTS #342 Years ° 4-Year (with Guarantee rocdetration) Ea RATING RATING. rae natiNe. H 890mm W 575mm D 495mm SAVE °150 a SAVE 100 Deposit 280. Deposit 530, P119 x 30 Months. P219 x 30 Months. ate) Vota Payable P3549 Total Payable P6579 — at 24% Int. at 24% int. no DEFY se Metallic White Chest Freezer RATING ae Chest Freezer RATING DMF454 CF410HC H | 1600mm | Aratine DMF451 roe * Contents not included W. 540m | H 860mm CF210HC n °3+42 Years "te W 751mm *°3+42 Years ‘W) 1285mm_ (with registration) D 587mm eee (with registration) D 725mm Warranty la farranty SAVE °200 BREE SAVE?200 SAVE °200 SAVE P150 220mm H 990mm “rm P4QQG “om PAQQQ P2499 «P1199 W 830mm ‘Deposit P200, Deposit P500, Deposit P250. Deposit P120, D 490mm P89 x30 Months, D 630mm 530 Months, 109 x 30 Months. P59 x 30 Months. Total Total Payable P6219 Total Payable P3189 Total Payable P1629 at 24% Int. Samat 24% Int. at 24% Int. Hisense Titanium Black 4-Plate Mini Oven Grey Compact Stove | MOH9328B Washi Top-Loader Dss514 ¢ 2-Year Warranty Machine Washing * Contents not DTT169 Machine included WIX/ *3-Year Warranty WTJA1302T Guarantee SAVE °80 SAVE 120 NOW ONLY P999 P4249 siimiine Hob P2999 wetallic oven P PM Deposit P100. Deposit P10, with Control Deposit P300 DBO487E ret 49 x 30 Months. 59x30 Months. Panel DHD415 P129x 30 Months, ¢ 3-Year Total Payable P1389 Total Payable P1689 © 2-Year Warranty ‘Total Payable P3789 Warranty Peete at 24% Int. at 24% het at 24% Int Total Payable P1149 at 24% Int. DEFY Metallic Cookerhood Pes DCH291M ba °799 * 2-Year Warranty RATING Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner HWD10 Ng aD) BY ed] P149” Mpbedes YLT 4 SC [Hisense | ee Metallic Mirror-Door Microwave Oven H36MOMMI ae * 10-Litre Tank «5m Cord © Wet and Dry

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