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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.12 to 31.12 - Page nb 4

Special MTN 01.12.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Unbeatable i Winning is A Es = é Sonya affordable 8 z u 5 10GB 30GB 60GB Ble e]: a eee) =) data at home 3 FA 22-262, ease soca cioce “Jocaaece | “soce+0c8 or on the go = J r + 5 z Ri Re R R R: with MTN BozzaGigs = Ey "39 w29 249 199 299 LTE PayAsYouGo 3 5 "69 «119-8179 239° 349 kl 5 py? prea Pr Pra Prod? MTN PayAsYouGo a | 279 R129 189 = -®249—S-®369 / 3 Pane i mri Pins iss 20G B~ 6GB 22GB 40GB 60GB 50GB Youtube 1e e : ° WAS "499 ©Dn°e_ One Ope One ©p° Roe GD 10GB x24. =~ 10GBS> 223 99 ‘Add a router from as litle os R30 PMx24, REO PMx12 OR R120 PMx6 Sen Anitine Date om AsYouGo dp SGB Night Express. Starter Pack to.Month re aj 10GB @yourube 8CB @ 20GB 9 40GB g 80GB g veri 8c0 Twice iy chic SIM-Only Baoees, co *137# and WIN your share of 200 Million in dely prices Per Month 135 "209 269 "409 Me en ee es needs a VW ERY

Latest specials

Unbeatable i Winning is A Es = é Sonya affordable 8 z u 5 10GB 30GB 60GB Ble e]: a eee) =) data at home 3 FA 22-262, ease soca cioce “Jocaaece | “soce+0c8 or on the go = J r + 5 z Ri Re R R R: with MTN BozzaGigs = Ey "39 w29 249 199 299 LTE PayAsYouGo 3 5 "69 «119-8179 239° 349 kl 5 py? prea Pr Pra Prod? MTN PayAsYouGo a | 279 R129 189 = -®249—S-®369 / 3 Pane i mri Pins iss 20G B~ 6GB 22GB 40GB 60GB 50GB Youtube 1e e : ° WAS "499 ©Dn°e_ One Ope One ©p° Roe GD 10GB x24. =~ 10GBS> 223 99 ‘Add a router from as litle os R30 PMx24, REO PMx12 OR R120 PMx6 Sen Anitine Date om AsYouGo dp SGB Night Express. Starter Pack to.Month re aj 10GB @yourube 8CB @ 20GB 9 40GB g 80GB g veri 8c0 Twice iy chic SIM-Only Baoees, co *137# and WIN your share of 200 Million in dely prices Per Month 135 "209 269 "409 Me en ee es needs a VW ERY

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