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Current special Makro - New Year - Valid from 09.01 to 26.02 - Page nb 3

Special Makro 09.01.2023 - 26.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

emeba ” ENET | Fed tb 998» pect “wolsat ec 999 ee pert ine "RYOBI / : © BOSCH ; ae 1,850) Ww W, Impact ÂŁ Drill eyed with 100 Accessories "Model: GSB 18 RE ACE » Chucle nN SAVE 200 Roped kts #6000 bp CERIO 1S mm sel Keyed ng 2)115 mm 900 W Angle aT 13560 bpm 99) SEE 750 w Impact Drill SAVE 200 Grinder 570 W Impact Drill ‘+ Model: DWD024-ZA. Cs | 499 | FM pet ‘ieee + No load speed: 11000 rpm ‘tel keyed Inpoct oe: 48000 bp “orale pee oe: ‘27070 499 ns 499 as ae oe —_ 720 W SDS Plus Rotary Har Drill SQQWSDS Pls Relay Hammer Dall iat iota Say : : it ee 800 W SDS Ph Conn GT 830 W SDS Pls Rotary EEO | 710Wsbs Rotary MENGE Hammer brill OE tape Del 13 mn 720, Hammer Dl i ZW SoS Hammer Drill ee aa “od n'a, tammer Dri eee \ ‘SMe saaaa inpet enry 2 oes {pt 5300 bpm wart 799 oes pesto 200 tn 1 Mifateped oor woreny Sees 2999 ns Seer aa * ' sa 115 mm 750 W 115 mm 700 W Angle Grinder «Model GW 700» Exes * No lod speed: 12000 rpm (394455) 115mm 900 W Angle SYED ns on sow SAVE 100 ae oe AYE * Model: GWS 9-115 le Grinder ringer 437239 2299 in 1199 wns ising ' areere = at RYOBI DeWALT ae = s Sy 250 i 2500. W BAI BI EERIE | 230 mm 2200 W Sa Angle Grinder 230 mm 2000 W 230 mm 2200 W : . 6-235 - Angle Grinder sore Angle Grinder Kite 1699 Angle Grinder 2999 ee ‘ Words NS 3 a it SRST ted 00 rom oe + S:yeor guaran (405085) —_] | diomond die (110442)" - J | eedvdesdsenioiisy LL a — (03/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM363_ Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to Sunday 26 February 2023 3 to gam ewors downlod ond eit on he nord opp. Sibi! te inten, Mi wil hae alin sacks ne oni dead, Sk ol goad on flrs ied, Malo wil ene ht hy hav ficient sedi owt pn eg a el nal ti dca he hr no ek 2 ing lr go ok of ec weil ceo on yr edo youg ‘mcsncbl an compare lernawe wih he seme proc! pecconos bu without gurl he dace fer the cere produc Wo mike ocr non odresemer or acomplia isan a prsed we il ‘Epiy a nes ore wih ol be coeds For Ga pacs any caren price per on wl ony op # yo by he ble pock. Pics excade occas aa ar daplay purposes on ine TSE VA Hw lr be prod india on we naar pce wl op he nda prod os pr ee oben Manan Fran Src yl son Aue finoncel Sarees Pad: fs" Uceea No 49726) anderen by Iva Fea ik Fnondng. Mair Cut seine: Mn inna inde, cr fen, caer precio rca ond ne of 21a Repu ay cr es, carer prin nrc ond iret 218: “eres es er scbfed to chrge, Al ics ove inielon ond ccc pyres ay wry bowed an ccd sxy ews albedo Phenge bod on cia fk fre, Repo opts erclang, 24-tondh boda ond 3d-moad Lodget Posed ky RES a repaired Grad ond cobarned Poonciel Serioe? Proven RCP 36/°SP-

Latest specials

emeba ” ENET | Fed tb 998» pect “wolsat ec 999 ee pert ine "RYOBI / : © BOSCH ; ae 1,850) Ww W, Impact ÂŁ Drill eyed with 100 Accessories "Model: GSB 18 RE ACE » Chucle nN SAVE 200 Roped kts #6000 bp CERIO 1S mm sel Keyed ng 2)115 mm 900 W Angle aT 13560 bpm 99) SEE 750 w Impact Drill SAVE 200 Grinder 570 W Impact Drill ‘+ Model: DWD024-ZA. Cs | 499 | FM pet ‘ieee + No load speed: 11000 rpm ‘tel keyed Inpoct oe: 48000 bp “orale pee oe: ‘27070 499 ns 499 as ae oe —_ 720 W SDS Plus Rotary Har Drill SQQWSDS Pls Relay Hammer Dall iat iota Say : : it ee 800 W SDS Ph Conn GT 830 W SDS Pls Rotary EEO | 710Wsbs Rotary MENGE Hammer brill OE tape Del 13 mn 720, Hammer Dl i ZW SoS Hammer Drill ee aa “od n'a, tammer Dri eee \ ‘SMe saaaa inpet enry 2 oes {pt 5300 bpm wart 799 oes pesto 200 tn 1 Mifateped oor woreny Sees 2999 ns Seer aa * ' sa 115 mm 750 W 115 mm 700 W Angle Grinder «Model GW 700» Exes * No lod speed: 12000 rpm (394455) 115mm 900 W Angle SYED ns on sow SAVE 100 ae oe AYE * Model: GWS 9-115 le Grinder ringer 437239 2299 in 1199 wns ising ' areere = at RYOBI DeWALT ae = s Sy 250 i 2500. W BAI BI EERIE | 230 mm 2200 W Sa Angle Grinder 230 mm 2000 W 230 mm 2200 W : . 6-235 - Angle Grinder sore Angle Grinder Kite 1699 Angle Grinder 2999 ee ‘ Words NS 3 a it SRST ted 00 rom oe + S:yeor guaran (405085) —_] | diomond die (110442)" - J | eedvdesdsenioiisy LL a — (03/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM363_ Promotion valid from Monday 9 January to Sunday 26 February 2023 3 to gam ewors downlod ond eit on he nord opp. Sibi! te inten, Mi wil hae alin sacks ne oni dead, Sk ol goad on flrs ied, Malo wil ene ht hy hav ficient sedi owt pn eg a el nal ti dca he hr no ek 2 ing lr go ok of ec weil ceo on yr edo youg ‘mcsncbl an compare lernawe wih he seme proc! pecconos bu without gurl he dace fer the cere produc Wo mike ocr non odresemer or acomplia isan a prsed we il ‘Epiy a nes ore wih ol be coeds For Ga pacs any caren price per on wl ony op # yo by he ble pock. Pics excade occas aa ar daplay purposes on ine TSE VA Hw lr be prod india on we naar pce wl op he nda prod os pr ee oben Manan Fran Src yl son Aue finoncel Sarees Pad: fs" Uceea No 49726) anderen by Iva Fea ik Fnondng. Mair Cut seine: Mn inna inde, cr fen, caer precio rca ond ne of 21a Repu ay cr es, carer prin nrc ond iret 218: “eres es er scbfed to chrge, Al ics ove inielon ond ccc pyres ay wry bowed an ccd sxy ews albedo Phenge bod on cia fk fre, Repo opts erclang, 24-tondh boda ond 3d-moad Lodget Posed ky RES a repaired Grad ond cobarned Poonciel Serioe? Proven RCP 36/°SP-

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