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Current special Makro - Valid from 19.01 to 08.02 - Page nb 3

Special Makro 19.01.2023 - 08.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

DoRITOS WILLARDS Corn Chips Crinkle or Straight Cut (All variants) Chips {All variants) pe] FRITOS CORN CHIPS (Al vrionts) SIMBA Peanuts & Raisins o Salted Peanuts Balers LAY’S Potato Chips BAKERS. Eet-Sum-Mor Biscuits {All variants) poe caenay k4 BAKERS Red Label Cream Biscuits {All variants) E Ss (All variants) OREO Cookies (Al varios jena pew BAKERS Salticrax Crackers (all variants) MOREALESS DEALS IN YOUR POCKET. Sera forme ce ees Pees Cry BROOKES LIQUI FRUIT » Oros Fruit Juice Squash (All variants) (All variants) UQUI FRUIT 100% Fruit Juice (all Verio) FANTA, SPRITE, STONEY, SODA WATER, Soft Drinks (All variants) COCA-COLA LIGHT o ZERO, FANTA ZERO, SPRITE ZERO’ or STONEY ZERO Soft Drinks (Al vorions) MONSTER Energy Drinks (all vorants) POWERADE il Energy Drinks {All variants) AQUELLE Still or Sparkling Spring Water = = 1) HB Pencil - varpened ins aro fineline Fineline marking pens)| Marking Pens = Ser ond 218 Pena ore, = Unsharpened : + Robber ip savy hy he sit come ete a tad ‘Bro Scissors > Glo Hock coded sra9i) Li

Latest specials

DoRITOS WILLARDS Corn Chips Crinkle or Straight Cut (All variants) Chips {All variants) pe] FRITOS CORN CHIPS (Al vrionts) SIMBA Peanuts & Raisins o Salted Peanuts Balers LAY’S Potato Chips BAKERS. Eet-Sum-Mor Biscuits {All variants) poe caenay k4 BAKERS Red Label Cream Biscuits {All variants) E Ss (All variants) OREO Cookies (Al varios jena pew BAKERS Salticrax Crackers (all variants) MOREALESS DEALS IN YOUR POCKET. Sera forme ce ees Pees Cry BROOKES LIQUI FRUIT » Oros Fruit Juice Squash (All variants) (All variants) UQUI FRUIT 100% Fruit Juice (all Verio) FANTA, SPRITE, STONEY, SODA WATER, Soft Drinks (All variants) COCA-COLA LIGHT o ZERO, FANTA ZERO, SPRITE ZERO’ or STONEY ZERO Soft Drinks (Al vorions) MONSTER Energy Drinks (all vorants) POWERADE il Energy Drinks {All variants) AQUELLE Still or Sparkling Spring Water = = 1) HB Pencil - varpened ins aro fineline Fineline marking pens)| Marking Pens = Ser ond 218 Pena ore, = Unsharpened : + Robber ip savy hy he sit come ete a tad ‘Bro Scissors > Glo Hock coded sra9i) Li

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