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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Valid from 01.06 to 07.06 - Page nb 1

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 01.06.2023 - 07.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

VISIT OUR NEW. FRESHWAY DEPARTMENT * PRETORIA WEST * SILVER TON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI AT PRETORIA WEST STORE _ WITH WIDE RANGE OF ie BUTCHERY, FRUIT & VEG, = me BAKERY & HOT FOOD aad G | NOW AVAILABLE So g IN-STORE =o -- =a : ml = as 2 s Se ser PAPA, . J suPREME usage Fenner = | = = i at = a = . oe a cnosse aes Sr jorai| 3 Pore tts Mayonnaise Novornaioe gpouthern Rowder (Coating 104" 167" | ergo:| Re 186"| 39 46"| 78" 104" 187" | 2 onan 13° $B6 | saw 38 ey eres: ame. .S ee ae 2 2 DLITE Oil EXCELLA 4 ieXcELLA p D'LiTE pan| SUNSTAR pone re ‘ooking Cooking| Cooking Oil| [ Cooking Oil } Cooking Oil Cooking Oil oi ae 3g Oil2 ar f a PASTA JOY FATT & PASTA JOY Pasta| Mol Pasta \Macaroni| 9 ‘Spaghetti Spaghetti 199° 243" 199" svat 30.00 | fi Barn svat 30.00 | | pita, a. ae a & U7) | Koo sont 2" er e..| Cain: |, SMesi5g 1" fa conan] rrorreto' 2s Sy je Sar oh Assorted leat Sauce —— — |SPREAD TUB “main “ma WOODEN SPOON be Em MARGARINE 4 4 —— TREAER ' reuse Roma ‘= "3385 | comifiaa. os ea ase Ss 55" fawn” 9282) 1B 179" oe Brick WHITE / KOM Original vue \Weetbix 2 ~ ‘CHEESE 1 ‘Crs oy 226” warn ocnesien Chocolate ec Pops Oneal be $0 BEACON svartz78 o revit 25 - 3 Choe Mini Poa ‘TROTTERS, ons TOFWUK CHAPPIES| Tex only Artes i —— | = = FUSION = me » ie ‘OROS Orange ai Parmalat | Squash = i Original 2 coe a Bakers 199” Wee a % ae ey Svat 436 Tennis : Biscuit Topper OMe arise FANTA/ Spare STONEY eaciimber pres Tomato Banana Pol = Sa sane Quelle} | 199” eS Pepsi srs| Natural Site <mren | SC ee MISES | Tranter eacaains| 3 140" u REFRESHHH rrr Cold Drink avout 5 Orn” aay Second riginal WATER Cans Only Assorted Dew Plastic een © seamen ze 0 eee FRESH WAY/ERUTT 8 VEGUALID FOR PRETORIA WEST STORE ONLY ORANGE AST COKE e a 2 cold Drink , 207105 1 Srowey ‘sores im Cold Drink Porro iy ee 3 $3] 7 Pocket E}

Latest specials

VISIT OUR NEW. FRESHWAY DEPARTMENT * PRETORIA WEST * SILVER TON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI AT PRETORIA WEST STORE _ WITH WIDE RANGE OF ie BUTCHERY, FRUIT & VEG, = me BAKERY & HOT FOOD aad G | NOW AVAILABLE So g IN-STORE =o -- =a : ml = as 2 s Se ser PAPA, . J suPREME usage Fenner = | = = i at = a = . oe a cnosse aes Sr jorai| 3 Pore tts Mayonnaise Novornaioe gpouthern Rowder (Coating 104" 167" | ergo:| Re 186"| 39 46"| 78" 104" 187" | 2 onan 13° $B6 | saw 38 ey eres: ame. .S ee ae 2 2 DLITE Oil EXCELLA 4 ieXcELLA p D'LiTE pan| SUNSTAR pone re ‘ooking Cooking| Cooking Oil| [ Cooking Oil } Cooking Oil Cooking Oil oi ae 3g Oil2 ar f a PASTA JOY FATT & PASTA JOY Pasta| Mol Pasta \Macaroni| 9 ‘Spaghetti Spaghetti 199° 243" 199" svat 30.00 | fi Barn svat 30.00 | | pita, a. ae a & U7) | Koo sont 2" er e..| Cain: |, SMesi5g 1" fa conan] rrorreto' 2s Sy je Sar oh Assorted leat Sauce —— — |SPREAD TUB “main “ma WOODEN SPOON be Em MARGARINE 4 4 —— TREAER ' reuse Roma ‘= "3385 | comifiaa. os ea ase Ss 55" fawn” 9282) 1B 179" oe Brick WHITE / KOM Original vue \Weetbix 2 ~ ‘CHEESE 1 ‘Crs oy 226” warn ocnesien Chocolate ec Pops Oneal be $0 BEACON svartz78 o revit 25 - 3 Choe Mini Poa ‘TROTTERS, ons TOFWUK CHAPPIES| Tex only Artes i —— | = = FUSION = me » ie ‘OROS Orange ai Parmalat | Squash = i Original 2 coe a Bakers 199” Wee a % ae ey Svat 436 Tennis : Biscuit Topper OMe arise FANTA/ Spare STONEY eaciimber pres Tomato Banana Pol = Sa sane Quelle} | 199” eS Pepsi srs| Natural Site <mren | SC ee MISES | Tranter eacaains| 3 140" u REFRESHHH rrr Cold Drink avout 5 Orn” aay Second riginal WATER Cans Only Assorted Dew Plastic een © seamen ze 0 eee FRESH WAY/ERUTT 8 VEGUALID FOR PRETORIA WEST STORE ONLY ORANGE AST COKE e a 2 cold Drink , 207105 1 Srowey ‘sores im Cold Drink Porro iy ee 3 $3] 7 Pocket E}

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