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Current special Game - Valid from 09.11 to 15.11 - Page nb 2

Special Game 09.11.2022 - 15.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

OLAS ‘s ey | (QS ANYSFOR Me awk 5 ‘Yum Yum Peanut Butter All Gold Jam Move Syrup Great Vatue White . ne ee EROS Woganores oatites 3009 aes sot Ess = ; = — ~ on \ E Ba a — eo NS =r 8G ae aa j : we Foss ae « u EOL ee * @ 1 ele eg aoe Tae —~ (__2For ‘ ANY 6FOR . { 3FOR ANY3FOR | Za Senmaversvies | \ntenntiteas Gemeraneo “eects, | ciiltienae Fats & Monts Mocarol ee Flour 25g OR Food Cotouring 750 mi on2L Parboited Rice 2 kg ‘OR Spaghetti 1kg fominssrted ry eu ae, Sy Se 4FOR ANY 2FOR Le logg's ~ >» White star (coos ae Maize Meat $009 ‘KOO Fruit Cocktail in Assorted — Syrup 410g White Star Super Ey Maize Meal 1 kg 4 forR49 ANY 3FOR ANY 4FOR Uttra Met Vanilla NestlĂ© Dessert and Crosse & Blackwell ‘Wellington's Sweet ‘Steers Sauce & Salad Mrs HS. Bais Chutney Custard TL Cooking Cream 2909 Tangy Mayonnaise 750 Chili Sauce $00 mt Dressings S7Sml Assorted 375g Assorted Lion's Samp & Beans 5009 ANY 4 FOR ANY 5 FOR ANY 6 FOR SOR ANY 4 FOR ANY3FOR Any 2 forR275 ' ‘Raj Corry Powder Hinds Souther Coating Lucky StarPlchardsin ‘KOO Baked Beansin KOO Chakalaka Bull Brand Corned 100 9 Assorted 200 Assorted Tomatoorcnisouce TomatoSwuce stg, «=O gAssorted eat 300 9 Assorted F Catmor Cat Food rss Assorted 4 kg

Latest specials

OLAS ‘s ey | (QS ANYSFOR Me awk 5 ‘Yum Yum Peanut Butter All Gold Jam Move Syrup Great Vatue White . ne ee EROS Woganores oatites 3009 aes sot Ess = ; = — ~ on \ E Ba a — eo NS =r 8G ae aa j : we Foss ae « u EOL ee * @ 1 ele eg aoe Tae —~ (__2For ‘ ANY 6FOR . { 3FOR ANY3FOR | Za Senmaversvies | \ntenntiteas Gemeraneo “eects, | ciiltienae Fats & Monts Mocarol ee Flour 25g OR Food Cotouring 750 mi on2L Parboited Rice 2 kg ‘OR Spaghetti 1kg fominssrted ry eu ae, Sy Se 4FOR ANY 2FOR Le logg's ~ >» White star (coos ae Maize Meat $009 ‘KOO Fruit Cocktail in Assorted — Syrup 410g White Star Super Ey Maize Meal 1 kg 4 forR49 ANY 3FOR ANY 4FOR Uttra Met Vanilla NestlĂ© Dessert and Crosse & Blackwell ‘Wellington's Sweet ‘Steers Sauce & Salad Mrs HS. Bais Chutney Custard TL Cooking Cream 2909 Tangy Mayonnaise 750 Chili Sauce $00 mt Dressings S7Sml Assorted 375g Assorted Lion's Samp & Beans 5009 ANY 4 FOR ANY 5 FOR ANY 6 FOR SOR ANY 4 FOR ANY3FOR Any 2 forR275 ' ‘Raj Corry Powder Hinds Souther Coating Lucky StarPlchardsin ‘KOO Baked Beansin KOO Chakalaka Bull Brand Corned 100 9 Assorted 200 Assorted Tomatoorcnisouce TomatoSwuce stg, «=O gAssorted eat 300 9 Assorted F Catmor Cat Food rss Assorted 4 kg

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