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Current special Food Lovers Market - Valid from 06.03 to 12.03 - Page nb 1

Special Food Lovers Market 06.03.2023 - 12.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

widest range freshest quality x ‘Avocados. 4FOR R29 tomatoes kg 1x Tomato Thriftpack 1 kg & 1x English Cucumber Top Red, Golden Delicious, Royal Gala Apple or Packham Pear Econopacks 1.5 kg 2FOR 1x Pineapple & 1x Spanspek R39 Stewing Beef P Lettuce Prepacks wo OS ei: White, Red or Black Grape Punnets 2FOR 39 Mangoes Whole Fresh Chickens. 3922 |} ys ASN Food lover’s Gouda, Cheddar or White Cheddar Cheese 200 g R29... UEMCN : ~ eR a 2 ie! bee Peo” 5 ww ‘a “ as Hot Cross Buns 6s 2FOR _R29 2x Spanish Santé Cocktail Tomato Punnets & 2x English Cucumbers an 1x Crown Pumpkin & 1x Farm Fresh Cabbage R39 BUTCHER y | 1x Sweetcorn Prepack 4s & 1x Baby Potato Thriftpack 1 kg Lemon Thriftpacks R39 a Bulk Kameelhout Boerewors 989". <2 Lekka Braai Beef “S Pork Bangers Rashers 692° SCAN THE QR CODE TO EWN TTY LIMITED EDITION GAME & WIN PRIZES! TOC et a Lea AOE eet a CoN el ae oa Eh) FOOD LOVER’S MARKET Me RS DVR Pii7e5 Re ear oe Stier inet ne Cr tr nt Cakes Pre ere eect eer tor ven a eer cree reiterate tree roe cesar tiation ec a

Latest specials

widest range freshest quality x ‘Avocados. 4FOR R29 tomatoes kg 1x Tomato Thriftpack 1 kg & 1x English Cucumber Top Red, Golden Delicious, Royal Gala Apple or Packham Pear Econopacks 1.5 kg 2FOR 1x Pineapple & 1x Spanspek R39 Stewing Beef P Lettuce Prepacks wo OS ei: White, Red or Black Grape Punnets 2FOR 39 Mangoes Whole Fresh Chickens. 3922 |} ys ASN Food lover’s Gouda, Cheddar or White Cheddar Cheese 200 g R29... UEMCN : ~ eR a 2 ie! bee Peo” 5 ww ‘a “ as Hot Cross Buns 6s 2FOR _R29 2x Spanish Santé Cocktail Tomato Punnets & 2x English Cucumbers an 1x Crown Pumpkin & 1x Farm Fresh Cabbage R39 BUTCHER y | 1x Sweetcorn Prepack 4s & 1x Baby Potato Thriftpack 1 kg Lemon Thriftpacks R39 a Bulk Kameelhout Boerewors 989". <2 Lekka Braai Beef “S Pork Bangers Rashers 692° SCAN THE QR CODE TO EWN TTY LIMITED EDITION GAME & WIN PRIZES! TOC et a Lea AOE eet a CoN el ae oa Eh) FOOD LOVER’S MARKET Me RS DVR Pii7e5 Re ear oe Stier inet ne Cr tr nt Cakes Pre ere eect eer tor ven a eer cree reiterate tree roe cesar tiation ec a

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