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Current special Checkers - Valid from 19.09 to 23.10 - Page nb 1

Special Checkers 19.09.2022 - 23.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

Checkers MoneyMarket @ Recharge with R30 and get free 500MB 14GB 35min {0oribe Valid for 7 doys Volidfor 7 days Valid for 7 doys eth werd -3c) ay (=P od fois iag OMe eel ceca R29pm* Pod x12 Ley Months 140MIN 1.21 1GB 2OminDaity 175MBDaily —_YouTube aranyspm a7asyspm —Datapm a a Rete Te) ©HOSO ry) es acu eae BS ae Rll Red ee La Pe pesoie esr neue een eeus from 19 September - 23 October 2022. Money Market services available in-store Money Airtime | Travel & Event , Savings Devices & Bill Electricity Lotto Gift Cards Insurance Transfers & Data Tickets Star Accessories Payments fs}

Latest specials

Checkers MoneyMarket @ Recharge with R30 and get free 500MB 14GB 35min {0oribe Valid for 7 doys Volidfor 7 days Valid for 7 doys eth werd -3c) ay (=P od fois iag OMe eel ceca R29pm* Pod x12 Ley Months 140MIN 1.21 1GB 2OminDaity 175MBDaily —_YouTube aranyspm a7asyspm —Datapm a a Rete Te) ©HOSO ry) es acu eae BS ae Rll Red ee La Pe pesoie esr neue een eeus from 19 September - 23 October 2022. Money Market services available in-store Money Airtime | Travel & Event , Savings Devices & Bill Electricity Lotto Gift Cards Insurance Transfers & Data Tickets Star Accessories Payments fs}

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