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Current special Builders Warehouse - Valid from 25.10 to 14.11 - Page nb 1

Special Builders Warehouse 25.10.2022 - 14.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

Get exclusive deals when you sign up for Builders+ Enjoy the plus side of life. 3 Fauna FEEDING NATURE Pe me a ti Pe.) 10 k : julti-Function ‘9 Patio Rose R75 Chlorine Feeder 899 Wild Bird Seed R41 ea Compact rose bush for Sanitiser; Clarifier; Kills algae; Consists of red & yellow ea smaller gardens & container Sunscreen; UV resistant, -" millet, red sorghum & finely = growing: Avaable in fayagusibte rt poo! AATEC RMM Gusnecmaze:tonosner’ A oa various colours (657786) rae sizes (410814) Data) life (601505) eee KARCHER IGNITE ; uilders K4 Classic ® High Pressure Geyser . = @ Pressure Cleaner Ea B-class; 600 kPa geyser; 1800 W; 130-bar; Flow range 2mm inner tank; Dual 420 L/h; Max temperature: RA 99 889 mounting; 5-year guarantee 83949 40°C; Includes igh pressure Disposable (661780) rom Ran00. gun, Vario power jet, 6 m i et it installed from R270. Se. °4999 A... 119 MEE... 3909 T2-month warranty (469651) (406635) in-store. 150 L High

Latest specials

Get exclusive deals when you sign up for Builders+ Enjoy the plus side of life. 3 Fauna FEEDING NATURE Pe me a ti Pe.) 10 k : julti-Function ‘9 Patio Rose R75 Chlorine Feeder 899 Wild Bird Seed R41 ea Compact rose bush for Sanitiser; Clarifier; Kills algae; Consists of red & yellow ea smaller gardens & container Sunscreen; UV resistant, -" millet, red sorghum & finely = growing: Avaable in fayagusibte rt poo! AATEC RMM Gusnecmaze:tonosner’ A oa various colours (657786) rae sizes (410814) Data) life (601505) eee KARCHER IGNITE ; uilders K4 Classic ® High Pressure Geyser . = @ Pressure Cleaner Ea B-class; 600 kPa geyser; 1800 W; 130-bar; Flow range 2mm inner tank; Dual 420 L/h; Max temperature: RA 99 889 mounting; 5-year guarantee 83949 40°C; Includes igh pressure Disposable (661780) rom Ran00. gun, Vario power jet, 6 m i et it installed from R270. Se. °4999 A... 119 MEE... 3909 T2-month warranty (469651) (406635) in-store. 150 L High

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