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Current special Agrimark - Valid from 17.07 to 11.08 - Page nb 1

Special Agrimark 17.07.2023 - 11.08.2023

Products in this catalogue

BUILDING MATERIAL Build more for less v with great deals on materials and supplies! PERM ARS rR989.° "1159.9 ®365.° £829. 99 F585 ” Rockgrip Rockgrip _ Rockgrip Bergermaster Dulux x Wall & Ceiling Plaster Primer Bonding Liquid ce Primes Nukote * White 201 514771 = White © 201 sam096 Al exact Water Based ay R1335,29 * 20k6raa6t Base 7» 201 6080s 1559. 7 = Dulux Trade 100 Time a neous . Lowshees RocH hock agen = MASTER Waa ) PRIMER a | 1.2 TST F565. een 1145.29 Dulux’ Dutux’ ®469.% ="1739.2°= ®629.°° 839. - “164. = Jambmax Robmeg Rombeg Door Frame Solvent ‘Steel Window ND4FF7 Steel Window C2HF7 Steel te Window C7H eae Weld Screed > 23600 a) + s0si4 +0.3n3.0m 6519 - \ \ a aa | \ \' "329. 2 = WS, RQ6.°9 R309. 99 £369. A\ R] 26 629 jo goats window nan NEV ero Full Hard cade s2armadtinm * Cemet A e116. "193,22 R44 3,292739,99 Purpose 42.5N 236m sean $0530 $015x80m R64.99 RQ6,29 R829.99 R69.99 Brickforce he Timber Rhino Rhino NHBRC ae . 76x50 Zedex SABS Dampcourse SABS DPC 5; Pssonun = Stradencmie Tiowoa7S er @ ®116.°9 ®193,%9 K7O eo * 34m * 6.0m © 10ehn375, Baoan 24st aris sesr2

Latest specials

BUILDING MATERIAL Build more for less v with great deals on materials and supplies! PERM ARS rR989.° "1159.9 ®365.° £829. 99 F585 ” Rockgrip Rockgrip _ Rockgrip Bergermaster Dulux x Wall & Ceiling Plaster Primer Bonding Liquid ce Primes Nukote * White 201 514771 = White © 201 sam096 Al exact Water Based ay R1335,29 * 20k6raa6t Base 7» 201 6080s 1559. 7 = Dulux Trade 100 Time a neous . Lowshees RocH hock agen = MASTER Waa ) PRIMER a | 1.2 TST F565. een 1145.29 Dulux’ Dutux’ ®469.% ="1739.2°= ®629.°° 839. - “164. = Jambmax Robmeg Rombeg Door Frame Solvent ‘Steel Window ND4FF7 Steel Window C2HF7 Steel te Window C7H eae Weld Screed > 23600 a) + s0si4 +0.3n3.0m 6519 - \ \ a aa | \ \' "329. 2 = WS, RQ6.°9 R309. 99 £369. A\ R] 26 629 jo goats window nan NEV ero Full Hard cade s2armadtinm * Cemet A e116. "193,22 R44 3,292739,99 Purpose 42.5N 236m sean $0530 $015x80m R64.99 RQ6,29 R829.99 R69.99 Brickforce he Timber Rhino Rhino NHBRC ae . 76x50 Zedex SABS Dampcourse SABS DPC 5; Pssonun = Stradencmie Tiowoa7S er @ ®116.°9 ®193,%9 K7O eo * 34m * 6.0m © 10ehn375, Baoan 24st aris sesr2

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