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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 07.08 to 13.08 - Page nb 13

Special Advance Cash&Carry 07.08.2023 - 13.08.2023

Products in this catalogue

ADVANCE CASH & CARRY A- Lilets Pads Always Pads foie : Pats aah gaa" 5 ae I G ied cael cS a vt aa Toilet Paper Pe HI = = ’ "Twin Saver Econo 208.96 Zoh Whe ay Toilet Paper : : ri Saver ‘eezah Wie 7s Folie ES Baby Wet to Toilet lg Wipes ‘Wipes Se aes, Raed O's 2s ‘Sanita ‘Sparkle Sparkle| Toilet ~ Servietts Kiehen Tol atl } ® Paper ‘ 00's ¥ ti Sein Touch - ~ a Ose i ‘Surgical Bae j l ‘Savion Antiseptic Liquid | Dettol Antiseptic Liquid Aquafresh Oral BY * Toothbrush Toothbrush Oral B} Family By 12 & Toothbrush) - 1 ad f casa = 36™||!||159" Morebrite | ea Britelite , White Xelite Colour Candles Xlite white} ©9) Candles! Candles} |) oni Candies | = 2x6's om 25x6's Bie Lighters Card Wrap it Foil Tully Light Foil “a Tetmosol Med Soap Pakmed, z@ZBlue Stone Indlovu) Senna | Leaves} un Plastic Bag Black’ Motolube Total Oil Engen Oil Healthy Paw 10's SAE 40 SAE 40 SAE 40 Denes t 500m 5 500ml ad Top Cat Cat Food Caring Spirits =a ADVANCE \, Eas canny Ce MTEC Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 CEN UL CE MRD fet) USL LOR CYST DT TG abt y+ Hermanstad, Pretoria Huggies Diapers Litlets ve a Se 6x10 ks - Bulk Pack ® Tissue World | P°MO¥0 2 dawrapped Toilet Paper | or rere aa = a yn ee. 2 Ply 1855 D aga? Ply 48's | } y a= Jas Wipes Face Mask Kids Infrared {Thermometer| Colgate| eetooth Brushes es Colgate| Thermal Paper - FDouble Action Rolls 57x40 sToothBrush| i by by { 2's|| \ ADVANCE etsneeanny g i tat bs King’s y, Spot we Costas: 9 cr Charcoal/ Candles Candles Briquettes: Aruit Stove ate Spiral == Pakmed Calamine tol Castor oil a Pakmed Rineware Corded Kettle Senna Leaves is AES Cordless Buddies Dog Fi Bobtail Boss Fae Bonzo bag Food Dog Food pa oy Food A Kleen Methylated Haven Spirits se a — S00m! ( | a s \ ADVANCE CASH CARRY \ ADVANCE §& \ saeco E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

Latest specials

ADVANCE CASH & CARRY A- Lilets Pads Always Pads foie : Pats aah gaa" 5 ae I G ied cael cS a vt aa Toilet Paper Pe HI = = ’ "Twin Saver Econo 208.96 Zoh Whe ay Toilet Paper : : ri Saver ‘eezah Wie 7s Folie ES Baby Wet to Toilet lg Wipes ‘Wipes Se aes, Raed O's 2s ‘Sanita ‘Sparkle Sparkle| Toilet ~ Servietts Kiehen Tol atl } ® Paper ‘ 00's ¥ ti Sein Touch - ~ a Ose i ‘Surgical Bae j l ‘Savion Antiseptic Liquid | Dettol Antiseptic Liquid Aquafresh Oral BY * Toothbrush Toothbrush Oral B} Family By 12 & Toothbrush) - 1 ad f casa = 36™||!||159" Morebrite | ea Britelite , White Xelite Colour Candles Xlite white} ©9) Candles! Candles} |) oni Candies | = 2x6's om 25x6's Bie Lighters Card Wrap it Foil Tully Light Foil “a Tetmosol Med Soap Pakmed, z@ZBlue Stone Indlovu) Senna | Leaves} un Plastic Bag Black’ Motolube Total Oil Engen Oil Healthy Paw 10's SAE 40 SAE 40 SAE 40 Denes t 500m 5 500ml ad Top Cat Cat Food Caring Spirits =a ADVANCE \, Eas canny Ce MTEC Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 CEN UL CE MRD fet) USL LOR CYST DT TG abt y+ Hermanstad, Pretoria Huggies Diapers Litlets ve a Se 6x10 ks - Bulk Pack ® Tissue World | P°MO¥0 2 dawrapped Toilet Paper | or rere aa = a yn ee. 2 Ply 1855 D aga? Ply 48's | } y a= Jas Wipes Face Mask Kids Infrared {Thermometer| Colgate| eetooth Brushes es Colgate| Thermal Paper - FDouble Action Rolls 57x40 sToothBrush| i by by { 2's|| \ ADVANCE etsneeanny g i tat bs King’s y, Spot we Costas: 9 cr Charcoal/ Candles Candles Briquettes: Aruit Stove ate Spiral == Pakmed Calamine tol Castor oil a Pakmed Rineware Corded Kettle Senna Leaves is AES Cordless Buddies Dog Fi Bobtail Boss Fae Bonzo bag Food Dog Food pa oy Food A Kleen Methylated Haven Spirits se a — S00m! ( | a s \ ADVANCE CASH CARRY \ ADVANCE §& \ saeco E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

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