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Current special Woolworths - Valid from 22.01 to 04.02 - Page nb 12

Special Woolworths 22.01.2024 - 04.02.2024

Products in this catalogue

WOOLWORTHS MONTH-END DEALS 22 JANUARY — 4 FEBRUARY 2024 DAILY DIFFERENCE EDITION 226 WREWARDS MEMBERS GET (Lute) Ua] 7-UESN alda @:) 4 fe) 13 Be crumoro » Bee criccen OP 9 scunirzets CRUMBED CHICKEN GRABOUW SCHNITZELS BOEREWORS sulk Eee nr nce ET] Ears EES EXCLUDING BBQ, FREE RANGE, TURKEY AND. GLUTEN-FREE CHICKEN SCHNITZELS WHEN ONLY rBST HORMONE = he LDA cin ic | orn so you know what's in UHT PROCESS os ll ; S, REFRIG| ERATE ONLY SAVE ats) ¥. ONCE OPENED ——_1 ey eae 6x 1L BOX PN7NTWN TEA eel M NA EVV) LARGE PIES = coal . 5809 ‘ a — : : yi o~ ae OTTER eld < gf eee OR GOUDA aes Se 100% FRUIT = { palm oil JUICE BLENDS i —— eee) B= a = = Spore XM eerie Ww ‘of two months EERE Nach ae % [AVAILABLE IN CHICKEN, STEAK AND PEPPER STEAK EXCLUDES 6 MONTHS MATURED CHEDDAR EXCLUDING THE LOW kd AND VEGETABLE RANGES PROMOTIONS IN STORE AND ONLINE MAY VARY Products avaiable at seloced stores only while stock as, WRewards are exclusive fo Woolworths and MySchool cardholders. You must swipe your card uptont in order fo benefit from WRewards. WRewards not avaiable ot Woolworths Feodiops ql Eger es re core nec para Pay way by recon ordre va on 2 duty te 8 February 2028 hoc ord ence ony valu Vesom Cope cd galom Cane We serene ih Guontios. ‘an aunorsed tan rover INCRC? 49, Wine not for persons Under the age of 18. Trading hours and stock cedkabitie aneion oi than wctdact te Gcmanenene tection

Latest specials

WOOLWORTHS MONTH-END DEALS 22 JANUARY — 4 FEBRUARY 2024 DAILY DIFFERENCE EDITION 226 WREWARDS MEMBERS GET (Lute) Ua] 7-UESN alda @:) 4 fe) 13 Be crumoro » Bee criccen OP 9 scunirzets CRUMBED CHICKEN GRABOUW SCHNITZELS BOEREWORS sulk Eee nr nce ET] Ears EES EXCLUDING BBQ, FREE RANGE, TURKEY AND. GLUTEN-FREE CHICKEN SCHNITZELS WHEN ONLY rBST HORMONE = he LDA cin ic | orn so you know what's in UHT PROCESS os ll ; S, REFRIG| ERATE ONLY SAVE ats) ¥. ONCE OPENED ——_1 ey eae 6x 1L BOX PN7NTWN TEA eel M NA EVV) LARGE PIES = coal . 5809 ‘ a — : : yi o~ ae OTTER eld < gf eee OR GOUDA aes Se 100% FRUIT = { palm oil JUICE BLENDS i —— eee) B= a = = Spore XM eerie Ww ‘of two months EERE Nach ae % [AVAILABLE IN CHICKEN, STEAK AND PEPPER STEAK EXCLUDES 6 MONTHS MATURED CHEDDAR EXCLUDING THE LOW kd AND VEGETABLE RANGES PROMOTIONS IN STORE AND ONLINE MAY VARY Products avaiable at seloced stores only while stock as, WRewards are exclusive fo Woolworths and MySchool cardholders. You must swipe your card uptont in order fo benefit from WRewards. WRewards not avaiable ot Woolworths Feodiops ql Eger es re core nec para Pay way by recon ordre va on 2 duty te 8 February 2028 hoc ord ence ony valu Vesom Cope cd galom Cane We serene ih Guontios. ‘an aunorsed tan rover INCRC? 49, Wine not for persons Under the age of 18. Trading hours and stock cedkabitie aneion oi than wctdact te Gcmanenene tection

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