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Current special SuperSpar - Valid from 18.09 to 01.10 - Page nb 1

Special SuperSpar 18.09.2023 - 01.10.2023

Products in this catalogue

WIN YOUR SH \ RE at) Tn IN CASH, INSTANTLY! CEE oe ae. FROZEN = N FLAKES ~ ECHICKEN Po ~ a MIXED PORTIONS ~ COR' nits part eee eae d rw im, bev t = , y oo ‘ a” a ie aoe (y 5 sg tonite 179%): Mixed somes = ve Hakes = Chicken Portions 1 3999 Assorted Ry =a cele | Ko 5kg 2009 F. & Nescafe Ricoffy Nee Neh Refill Pouch 4% SPAR x Refined Suntlower Oil x White Sugar 2 litre ~~ 2.5 kg 52 tah

Latest specials

WIN YOUR SH \ RE at) Tn IN CASH, INSTANTLY! CEE oe ae. FROZEN = N FLAKES ~ ECHICKEN Po ~ a MIXED PORTIONS ~ COR' nits part eee eae d rw im, bev t = , y oo ‘ a” a ie aoe (y 5 sg tonite 179%): Mixed somes = ve Hakes = Chicken Portions 1 3999 Assorted Ry =a cele | Ko 5kg 2009 F. & Nescafe Ricoffy Nee Neh Refill Pouch 4% SPAR x Refined Suntlower Oil x White Sugar 2 litre ~~ 2.5 kg 52 tah

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