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Current special Spar - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 21.11 to 04.12 - Page nb 5

Special Spar 21.11.2022 - 04.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Ocean Crisp Crumbed Hake Portions Assorted og =) I f - ci SPAR . ; és SPAR : ey 22a Sts AJ Prawn Tats J = : ¢ ~ a F = > Fey ae 3, _ McCain = o 54%) ~ (119%) = 1g Ong:nal 60% Fat Spread Tub 1 kg LANCEWOOD CREAMED \ SMOOTH COTTAGE CHEESE

Latest specials

Ocean Crisp Crumbed Hake Portions Assorted og =) I f - ci SPAR . ; és SPAR : ey 22a Sts AJ Prawn Tats J = : ¢ ~ a F = > Fey ae 3, _ McCain = o 54%) ~ (119%) = 1g Ong:nal 60% Fat Spread Tub 1 kg LANCEWOOD CREAMED \ SMOOTH COTTAGE CHEESE

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