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Current special Spar - Heritage Day - Valid from 19.09 to 02.10 - Page nb 6

Special Spar 19.09.2022 - 02.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

(Dark & White Choc Layered / Death By Chocolate Sponge # Black Eorest) ire RTI) Cee Porte) FAVOURITE + Fancy a tasty looking dish on these pages? Recipes can be found at Chatan Poti | Pap, Boareworn and Orion Kebabs | Grtiad Voge * Kebabs with a Sticky BBQ Dipping Sauce | Caprese Mushrooms: [Grited Cansar Salad | Pcaled Grapes | indan Style Daked Potato | Seay BBO Prreapeie Wing Shawers | Peppered Ostrch with Citrus ‘Sated | Sweet Jatie Rosaries | Strawberry Rooibos toed Tew 1B eeeerlerneeecnyees SPAR, SUPERSPAR KWIKSPAR slow 20 Soptomber 2022 2 October 2022, it on be VAT, Ni

Latest specials

(Dark & White Choc Layered / Death By Chocolate Sponge # Black Eorest) ire RTI) Cee Porte) FAVOURITE + Fancy a tasty looking dish on these pages? Recipes can be found at Chatan Poti | Pap, Boareworn and Orion Kebabs | Grtiad Voge * Kebabs with a Sticky BBQ Dipping Sauce | Caprese Mushrooms: [Grited Cansar Salad | Pcaled Grapes | indan Style Daked Potato | Seay BBO Prreapeie Wing Shawers | Peppered Ostrch with Citrus ‘Sated | Sweet Jatie Rosaries | Strawberry Rooibos toed Tew 1B eeeerlerneeecnyees SPAR, SUPERSPAR KWIKSPAR slow 20 Soptomber 2022 2 October 2022, it on be VAT, Ni

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