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Current special Pick n Pay - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 06.12 to 11.12 - Page nb 9

Special Pick n Pay 06.12.2022 - 11.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

SWEETS AND TREATS (Cha) a, DAIRY MILK: , ta gin ANY2 Gickn Gay, Be $s (eXe) 331 Re RO): ae RN i4aa 3x = PT ee rsync} gerne fr ye products PLUS exclusive Bes. . @s9" discounts when you join WHEN YOU SWIPE esh, smoot! Pt ete | en 3 [a] eee hit al jeeps! eatin Prete ee Coca-Cola Zero, Light, No Cees ze ria VALID 6 - 11 DEC 2022 wi Everyday Exceptional Savings sy ELGTHSZI2.9

Latest specials

SWEETS AND TREATS (Cha) a, DAIRY MILK: , ta gin ANY2 Gickn Gay, Be $s (eXe) 331 Re RO): ae RN i4aa 3x = PT ee rsync} gerne fr ye products PLUS exclusive Bes. . @s9" discounts when you join WHEN YOU SWIPE esh, smoot! Pt ete | en 3 [a] eee hit al jeeps! eatin Prete ee Coca-Cola Zero, Light, No Cees ze ria VALID 6 - 11 DEC 2022 wi Everyday Exceptional Savings sy ELGTHSZI2.9

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