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Current special Pick n Pay - NATIONAL - Valid from 25.05 to 04.06 - Page nb 3

Special Pick n Pay 25.05.2023 - 04.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

9» bath & Fem CARE WHEN YOU SWIPE Mousson Foam Bath Aseorted2 Litre Each ER gn \Dettol 7o°"2 WHEN YOU SWIPE Dettol Hand Santee 200m Soeeleortereteeteantered retain’ Fleet aesh fovdrdelontoder mata Rectan aeneRrera Dette tupenetiqud Dettal Antveptic Band Wath Bump" BN Us PSO» ceOr od 200m Fate BOTANICALS \ buxBoay Wash Assorted ‘400miEach ee Ullets. WHEN YOU SWIPE ax Libresse WHEN YOU SWIPE ‘Always Daily Pantyiners Kosoried 08 Prices Valid 25 MAY - 4 JUNE 2023 Bick n Bay

Latest specials

9» bath & Fem CARE WHEN YOU SWIPE Mousson Foam Bath Aseorted2 Litre Each ER gn \Dettol 7o°"2 WHEN YOU SWIPE Dettol Hand Santee 200m Soeeleortereteeteantered retain’ Fleet aesh fovdrdelontoder mata Rectan aeneRrera Dette tupenetiqud Dettal Antveptic Band Wath Bump" BN Us PSO» ceOr od 200m Fate BOTANICALS \ buxBoay Wash Assorted ‘400miEach ee Ullets. WHEN YOU SWIPE ax Libresse WHEN YOU SWIPE ‘Always Daily Pantyiners Kosoried 08 Prices Valid 25 MAY - 4 JUNE 2023 Bick n Bay

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