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Current special Pick n Pay - Valid from 09.03 to 12.03 - Page nb 8

Special Pick n Pay 09.03.2023 - 12.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

c GROCERIES, {e a a ie . ee & Selected HYPERMARKETS and Castle Lite Nov-etumable Boties 24x 330ml : ces ( ' "159 Ur ee Sa iri Nonemane | WHEN YoUSWIPE j SAVER35 WHEN YOU SWIPE SAVER20 Kanonkop Kadette CABERNET SAUVIONON 3 ‘ei WHEN YOU SWIPE 4th Steet Naturel Sweet sé, Red, White or Late Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly. Sn astng re at. Noth Wea Moun u or may spy. cori ere spplioble pee Noteders E208 PRICES VALID 9 - 12 MARCH 2022 (0880 30 3030. Colphonerstes spy,

Latest specials

c GROCERIES, {e a a ie . ee & Selected HYPERMARKETS and Castle Lite Nov-etumable Boties 24x 330ml : ces ( ' "159 Ur ee Sa iri Nonemane | WHEN YoUSWIPE j SAVER35 WHEN YOU SWIPE SAVER20 Kanonkop Kadette CABERNET SAUVIONON 3 ‘ei WHEN YOU SWIPE 4th Steet Naturel Sweet sé, Red, White or Late Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly. Sn astng re at. Noth Wea Moun u or may spy. cori ere spplioble pee Noteders E208 PRICES VALID 9 - 12 MARCH 2022 (0880 30 3030. Colphonerstes spy,

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