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Current special Pick n Pay - Valid from 07.11 to 16.11 - Page nb 2

Special Pick n Pay 07.11.2022 - 16.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

gars Exceptional ae BUY BULK AND SAVE aT MNCS Ce gee es PnP Hyper Bulk Lean ef Mince ‘ ees es White Sliced Bread 700g Sunbake White Beqgesert or Farmstyle PnP AllPurpose Potatoes Ska, Onions 15. Red Sweet Potato 1.5kq, Bulk Green Peppers , Broccoli Florets 700g, Bulk Red Chillies, Baby arrows ‘600g, Gem Squash 15kg, Butternut 2.5kg, Sweetcom Cobletts 7009 2For _*50 he Dy LOW PRICE Switch to Pick n Pay this Christmas. GAUTENG, NORTH WEST AND FREE STATE. QBickn@ay HYPERD VALID 7 - 16 NOVEMBER 2022 AT PICK N PAY #

Latest specials

gars Exceptional ae BUY BULK AND SAVE aT MNCS Ce gee es PnP Hyper Bulk Lean ef Mince ‘ ees es White Sliced Bread 700g Sunbake White Beqgesert or Farmstyle PnP AllPurpose Potatoes Ska, Onions 15. Red Sweet Potato 1.5kq, Bulk Green Peppers , Broccoli Florets 700g, Bulk Red Chillies, Baby arrows ‘600g, Gem Squash 15kg, Butternut 2.5kg, Sweetcom Cobletts 7009 2For _*50 he Dy LOW PRICE Switch to Pick n Pay this Christmas. GAUTENG, NORTH WEST AND FREE STATE. QBickn@ay HYPERD VALID 7 - 16 NOVEMBER 2022 AT PICK N PAY #

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