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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 20.02 to 05.03 - Page nb 8

Special OK Furniture 20.02.2023 - 05.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

MASSIVE CLEARANCE SALE OFFERS VALID FROM 20 FEBRUARY ~ 5 MARCH 2023, WHILE STOCKS LAST. Sd ae) ATS ae = ra SON = 3499 [arse Rggag TEES a a OF => 0] 2 Homt! | Sas —Se ae MN RBOD i, 1499 ise -R1599 Rg4g = eogas Seis ies Hisense Wrieticgrewown GED, H20MOWS10 ‘Microwave Oven = 700W ‘i DMO384 * 700W © 2-Year Guarantee ° 2-Year Warranty 2-Pioce Tasha Bedroom Suite 2-Plece Matador Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included : + Base se bedcing and acessories not cluded R4499 R5999 R999 R999 R1199 R1799 re Goto Ta . onto shott Colmes Stee Chair q 2 (Rese @ e NOT APPLICABLE TO LAY-BY. SUPPLIERS GUARANTEES APPLY. Daa eee Pee eS

Latest specials

MASSIVE CLEARANCE SALE OFFERS VALID FROM 20 FEBRUARY ~ 5 MARCH 2023, WHILE STOCKS LAST. Sd ae) ATS ae = ra SON = 3499 [arse Rggag TEES a a OF => 0] 2 Homt! | Sas —Se ae MN RBOD i, 1499 ise -R1599 Rg4g = eogas Seis ies Hisense Wrieticgrewown GED, H20MOWS10 ‘Microwave Oven = 700W ‘i DMO384 * 700W © 2-Year Guarantee ° 2-Year Warranty 2-Pioce Tasha Bedroom Suite 2-Plece Matador Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included : + Base se bedcing and acessories not cluded R4499 R5999 R999 R999 R1199 R1799 re Goto Ta . onto shott Colmes Stee Chair q 2 (Rese @ e NOT APPLICABLE TO LAY-BY. SUPPLIERS GUARANTEES APPLY. Daa eee Pee eS

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