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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 22.08 to 04.09 - Page nb 4

Special OK Furniture 22.08.2022 - 04.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

ye *392 A a) DSi Mee LIU e ea 8 4 war | seaer | WEB ¢s =e rites BROWSER 4K Smart M LED TV oinecT. { GasoAuT + 2.Yoar Guarantee 70° (177cm) 4K Smart Digital LED TV UA70AU7000KXXA F15999, Save R350 SKYWORTH R299 0 noncy Diptalts Depot R250. Sut Depost R25). |» 3-Year Guarantee Total Payable R482 at 22506 CASH *8499 wt 4 bs eld Da ON ei Pa eee PTV ess 4K Smart Digital LED TV 58A6G © 4-Year Guarantee R19999 26999 ©=——-R32999 R599 5 Deeatheo Decoder Dost R190 Marie, S-DEC-OVHD-01 Dstv Explora ‘Smart LNB 412-Way Multiplug “ou Pay R05 Remote Control LMX5021 awed 2250 nt BPUNIRMHDX2 ALSO AVAILABLE — -s DStv Remote Control BPUNIRM1192. e ROO”, Save R19 " @meuury # # " volkano K SKYWORTH can Fea Tu Turbulent Series 2.1-Channel Soundbar 19999 Sree” R34GOO Faw 399 1399 dy acentsar 2699 2 creer Sowa Spe Depot B50. Deposit 140, Dep < AMP3200-BY AM-3350-BK iS 30 Mente Rit? x20 Monts, © 7OW Miser soho $$330 Tod Pate R853 Teal Paya 2 Tous Payte sraa © 480W M225 at 22.50% nt mt 22.50% ‘ Q os Meteor 2.1 Speaker = “i veertacmr OS = s *38W a) 2 s Hisense @LG 2.1-Channel Soundbar o Dir apesior 4S R2699 R2999 2 iiitiane Saswooter R3299: D Mini Hi-Fi R5499 bu pra weno Depast R270. Depost 00.” S219 CK43 © SOOW Depot S60. XS-N728PB iB x 90 Meath Rabi s0Monts, SST, + 2-Year Guarantee R200 x38 Months AB0OW << Total Paya 743 Total Payable 119 Teal Pate 10409 nzebut wasden' © 2-Year Guarantee ase Jvc < HDMI Home 8 < use Theatre in a Box Horm uss OO THDNGO2/NBBSB oe SAVE Pesos 000 | SONY fable 14079 Audi ste 7999 faipenren fuse orien, = "11999 ‘© 2-Year Guarantee S85 x36 Months Total Payable 19959, 382250 et @LG 42-Channel Component Hi-Fi ARX10 = 2300W © 2-Year Guarantee

Latest specials

ye *392 A a) DSi Mee LIU e ea 8 4 war | seaer | WEB ¢s =e rites BROWSER 4K Smart M LED TV oinecT. { GasoAuT + 2.Yoar Guarantee 70° (177cm) 4K Smart Digital LED TV UA70AU7000KXXA F15999, Save R350 SKYWORTH R299 0 noncy Diptalts Depot R250. Sut Depost R25). |» 3-Year Guarantee Total Payable R482 at 22506 CASH *8499 wt 4 bs eld Da ON ei Pa eee PTV ess 4K Smart Digital LED TV 58A6G © 4-Year Guarantee R19999 26999 ©=——-R32999 R599 5 Deeatheo Decoder Dost R190 Marie, S-DEC-OVHD-01 Dstv Explora ‘Smart LNB 412-Way Multiplug “ou Pay R05 Remote Control LMX5021 awed 2250 nt BPUNIRMHDX2 ALSO AVAILABLE — -s DStv Remote Control BPUNIRM1192. e ROO”, Save R19 " @meuury # # " volkano K SKYWORTH can Fea Tu Turbulent Series 2.1-Channel Soundbar 19999 Sree” R34GOO Faw 399 1399 dy acentsar 2699 2 creer Sowa Spe Depot B50. Deposit 140, Dep < AMP3200-BY AM-3350-BK iS 30 Mente Rit? x20 Monts, © 7OW Miser soho $$330 Tod Pate R853 Teal Paya 2 Tous Payte sraa © 480W M225 at 22.50% nt mt 22.50% ‘ Q os Meteor 2.1 Speaker = “i veertacmr OS = s *38W a) 2 s Hisense @LG 2.1-Channel Soundbar o Dir apesior 4S R2699 R2999 2 iiitiane Saswooter R3299: D Mini Hi-Fi R5499 bu pra weno Depast R270. Depost 00.” S219 CK43 © SOOW Depot S60. XS-N728PB iB x 90 Meath Rabi s0Monts, SST, + 2-Year Guarantee R200 x38 Months AB0OW << Total Paya 743 Total Payable 119 Teal Pate 10409 nzebut wasden' © 2-Year Guarantee ase Jvc < HDMI Home 8 < use Theatre in a Box Horm uss OO THDNGO2/NBBSB oe SAVE Pesos 000 | SONY fable 14079 Audi ste 7999 faipenren fuse orien, = "11999 ‘© 2-Year Guarantee S85 x36 Months Total Payable 19959, 382250 et @LG 42-Channel Component Hi-Fi ARX10 = 2300W © 2-Year Guarantee

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