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Current special OK Foods - Valid from 22.02 to 05.03 - Page nb 7

Special OK Foods 22.02.2023 - 05.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

Eee Pras Es | Cc Clere - lere “ere ) oe som Pury, iG VIP Playboy or Playgirl Anti-Perspirant 99 9 39 Roll-on Asetd: 9 9 y OF Playgirl Infinite Love Body Lotion Dal Deodorant Asstd. 400 mi EACH S00 mi EACH 90 ml ~ 150 ml EACH 4 n&er 4 a snget | Sidlver Loy Shower & shoe! |) Shwe Shdlier : 2 us fer | sheer Whgsh ~ Shower 99 999 R Shower te Shower Anti-Perspirant Milton Sterilising 99. ‘Shower to Shower Roll-on for Men Fluid for Men or Women Asstd. = Gel Asstd. ‘or Women Asstd. ‘500 mi EACH 150 mi EACH 500 mi EACH 50 mi ak aie S., po Se 7 “262 Petvoour lly Asst 250 mi EACH Kayons, ayors, GENTLE, g B .GENTLE, x 5 aso 3129 Krayons Lg Froorancod ‘Aqueous Cream ism Bac TP Baas eS oe 5 SIS 4 1 C Personal Touch Concentrated Fabric Conditioner Asstd. ‘500 mi Refill Pouch EACH Hi Cle 2 729 Asst 70 or Extreme Paste Cleen 500 g EACH

Latest specials

Eee Pras Es | Cc Clere - lere “ere ) oe som Pury, iG VIP Playboy or Playgirl Anti-Perspirant 99 9 39 Roll-on Asetd: 9 9 y OF Playgirl Infinite Love Body Lotion Dal Deodorant Asstd. 400 mi EACH S00 mi EACH 90 ml ~ 150 ml EACH 4 n&er 4 a snget | Sidlver Loy Shower & shoe! |) Shwe Shdlier : 2 us fer | sheer Whgsh ~ Shower 99 999 R Shower te Shower Anti-Perspirant Milton Sterilising 99. ‘Shower to Shower Roll-on for Men Fluid for Men or Women Asstd. = Gel Asstd. ‘or Women Asstd. ‘500 mi EACH 150 mi EACH 500 mi EACH 50 mi ak aie S., po Se 7 “262 Petvoour lly Asst 250 mi EACH Kayons, ayors, GENTLE, g B .GENTLE, x 5 aso 3129 Krayons Lg Froorancod ‘Aqueous Cream ism Bac TP Baas eS oe 5 SIS 4 1 C Personal Touch Concentrated Fabric Conditioner Asstd. ‘500 mi Refill Pouch EACH Hi Cle 2 729 Asst 70 or Extreme Paste Cleen 500 g EACH

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