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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.09 to 30.09 - Page nb 45

Special MTN 01.09.2022 - 30.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

bul oy MTN-to-MTN 50 min MTN-to-any network 50 min Anytime Data 250MB ul xs ‘Anytime Data 16B Streaming 500MB ‘Social 500MB Hisense Infinity H60 Lite oe Hisense Infinity H60 Zoom °o Hisense Infinity H50S 5G oO So Sa LTE LTE 5G Enabled MTN-fo-any network 25 mi aa MyMTN MegaFlex R65 MTN Mega Talk/Gigs XS MTN Mega Talk/Gigs XS ect R249 R369... R399... Geakiecce fe Pex2a PMx24 PMx24 shve RGD airime vatuc Cash Deal R5 269 Cash Deal R7 409 Cash Deal R9 719 Screen Replacement Vai forne Fist 32 Screen Replacement Vali forthe First 32 Screen Replacement Vaisforthe Firs 32 ‘Months from Date of Purchose ‘Months from Bot ‘Months from Valued at R1999 Vaived at 81999 Volued at 2999, Also available on MyMTN Sky plans “Hisar ~ 30/08/2022. Purchase or. £1950) iat oar of age, Reger on ha Hnenge abate of sree caa/regar win 9 ott rom dof of prchose promotion nec fo seras es ondcocion. asf tera ond Condos vat seca crc 0a Tlicond MTN {hemor nse! Based on Myst oodbond Gz 2022 reste Uo Bate Fe ralcond Fromou/i/20 a MT ockoges at IN Mega Plana ‘receive 10G8 oncesoff dat Conce-off anime, vol for 30 days) MyPTTN Megalo bly 7112024 unl contd by MTN Now HTH Hari daa ge TN os rte ukmate Rexbity on 8 Taael vara ent conrocts, ime of fforaabieprczn. Aveo ne Tngraing ond sperocing customers ‘sed to moi cols acess data, inrrnatona cals and purchase bundles. Customers onal MYMTM MegoFtex ‘wal receive ef for 30 ds R65 ote for For R99, R230 oie for R159, R970 arte for R289, Al offers vol for 30 dors HTN 1068 Promotion Valu 3709/2001 New stra ho au or uyrodao pec pice plon al recave OC, waldo 30 ys once Used vue wot cary over, eTeavlie i be coed thin 1¢ working doys Rom date of etalon Fr ul Terms and Conditions on allproducts ond promotions ace py 81 or walt 20, 45

Latest specials

bul oy MTN-to-MTN 50 min MTN-to-any network 50 min Anytime Data 250MB ul xs ‘Anytime Data 16B Streaming 500MB ‘Social 500MB Hisense Infinity H60 Lite oe Hisense Infinity H60 Zoom °o Hisense Infinity H50S 5G oO So Sa LTE LTE 5G Enabled MTN-fo-any network 25 mi aa MyMTN MegaFlex R65 MTN Mega Talk/Gigs XS MTN Mega Talk/Gigs XS ect R249 R369... R399... Geakiecce fe Pex2a PMx24 PMx24 shve RGD airime vatuc Cash Deal R5 269 Cash Deal R7 409 Cash Deal R9 719 Screen Replacement Vai forne Fist 32 Screen Replacement Vali forthe First 32 Screen Replacement Vaisforthe Firs 32 ‘Months from Date of Purchose ‘Months from Bot ‘Months from Valued at R1999 Vaived at 81999 Volued at 2999, Also available on MyMTN Sky plans “Hisar ~ 30/08/2022. Purchase or. £1950) iat oar of age, Reger on ha Hnenge abate of sree caa/regar win 9 ott rom dof of prchose promotion nec fo seras es ondcocion. asf tera ond Condos vat seca crc 0a Tlicond MTN {hemor nse! Based on Myst oodbond Gz 2022 reste Uo Bate Fe ralcond Fromou/i/20 a MT ockoges at IN Mega Plana ‘receive 10G8 oncesoff dat Conce-off anime, vol for 30 days) MyPTTN Megalo bly 7112024 unl contd by MTN Now HTH Hari daa ge TN os rte ukmate Rexbity on 8 Taael vara ent conrocts, ime of fforaabieprczn. Aveo ne Tngraing ond sperocing customers ‘sed to moi cols acess data, inrrnatona cals and purchase bundles. Customers onal MYMTM MegoFtex ‘wal receive ef for 30 ds R65 ote for For R99, R230 oie for R159, R970 arte for R289, Al offers vol for 30 dors HTN 1068 Promotion Valu 3709/2001 New stra ho au or uyrodao pec pice plon al recave OC, waldo 30 ys once Used vue wot cary over, eTeavlie i be coed thin 1¢ working doys Rom date of etalon Fr ul Terms and Conditions on allproducts ond promotions ace py 81 or walt 20, 45

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