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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.09 to 30.09 - Page nb 5

Special MTN 01.09.2022 - 30.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

ad ON.) 45 Double tickets against the Pumas up for grabs South Africa, let’s do it like we did before. Let’s come out in numbers and bring the stadium to a standstill as our boys take on Argentina. Join or upgrade to any MyMTN Sky and selected MyMTN Home plans and stand a chance to WIN one of 45 double tickets to the Springboks vs Argentina match experience. 24 September 2022 Springboks vs Argentina Hollywoodbets Kings Park Stadium So your So. What are we doing today? lif e on SA's best network” (QI 083 123 3667 (EE (EGE MTN stores IN Spinks Competion: on cr stad fo sled MyM Sy o sled MyM Home pons and stond chance fo WIN one of 4 double hes Premolch experence foe elbe customers mus! be 18 yers or ode « South icon cltzen ond rust have ovals South African IDMIN dred Fedrecty contrat or fs controled y, MIN or marketing see pr ct ce se promotional comgalon ore sau aes fe pormers fusresspor 2109/2022. "Based on My Broadband Q2 2022 resis, Umiou

Latest specials

ad ON.) 45 Double tickets against the Pumas up for grabs South Africa, let’s do it like we did before. Let’s come out in numbers and bring the stadium to a standstill as our boys take on Argentina. Join or upgrade to any MyMTN Sky and selected MyMTN Home plans and stand a chance to WIN one of 45 double tickets to the Springboks vs Argentina match experience. 24 September 2022 Springboks vs Argentina Hollywoodbets Kings Park Stadium So your So. What are we doing today? lif e on SA's best network” (QI 083 123 3667 (EE (EGE MTN stores IN Spinks Competion: on cr stad fo sled MyM Sy o sled MyM Home pons and stond chance fo WIN one of 4 double hes Premolch experence foe elbe customers mus! be 18 yers or ode « South icon cltzen ond rust have ovals South African IDMIN dred Fedrecty contrat or fs controled y, MIN or marketing see pr ct ce se promotional comgalon ore sau aes fe pormers fusresspor 2109/2022. "Based on My Broadband Q2 2022 resis, Umiou

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