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Current special Makro - Valid from 20.11 to 28.11 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 20.11.2022 - 28.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Sunday 20 November to Monday 28 November 2022 164 cm (65”) Smart QNED TV + Model: 65QNEDBOSGA.AFBB, + AND FreeSync Premium (437081) 139 cm (55”) Smart QNED TV + Mode: SSQNEDSOSGA AFBB (437073) Foes 18 A Gow } @LG Sigedic tonne ae , Germ et ond Neca clog . 164 cm (65”) Smart NanoCell UHD TV oor + Model: 65NANO796GA.AFBB (450095), 139 cm (55”) Smart NanoCell UHD TV * Medel: SSNANO796QA.AFBB (450091) Resolution 3840 x 2160 « Netflix, Disney, Showmax, DSW Now * Game optimizer end ALLM * Magic emote - Jost pont and cli 2.1 Channel Soundbar Model: SUF + Power: 300 W kr OLeD/ | HDMI | use Opa cable ined 55") | SMART | rie ee es YF @LG 4.2 Channel Sound Tower Home Theatre System 2 Yoda toes7 ozaRuK Power: 1200 W. 1 Doal subwoofers builhin 1 Bluetooth stondby ‘Soy 3.1.2 Channel Soundbar + BIBS Neybock Said coe ae (403833) * Dolby Atmos * Al Sound Pro = Wien os screed) @Lc 139 cm (55”) Smart OLED TV + Model OUDSSCSGLAAPB 450192) 164 cm (65”) SMART OLED TV + Mad OUEDSSSHA AEB 1450196) * Resolution : 3840 x 2160 + Net, Disneys, Showmax, DSW Now * Nvidia G-Sync, VRR, ALLM, ond eARC + Dolby Vision IG * Dolby Atmos (86”) , Hom! | use @LG Fa 4.2 Channel Component System Pde Rexi0 {al power ep 2300 W {Hof oupes ond inpt 23D Sound Ps + USB host (316537), @LG 1217 cm (86") SMART UHD TV. + Model: B6UGPO006LC.AFBB » Resolution : 3840 x 2160 » Nex, Disneys, Showmax, Sty Now a ae en haat yee Snare nd ok 0191) Save money. Live better. 48/2022. MKNTGM428_ Mokro DTP_Promotion valid from Sunday 20 November to Monday 28 November 2022 “To corn Rewards download ond register on he mCard app. Ssbjet sted nition, Mako wll have suicienseck io meet oncipcted demand. Sick ofl goods on offers ined, Mako wil ensure that hey have suficint ck Yo meet enicpoted demand, Moko shal wes reosonabe efter fo dacontnue the cer ot soon or sock fsa longer avaiable, we runout of sock of goods on offer, we wl mp oobi reserve sock or offer you a reasencble ond comparable cierotve wh the some produc specications but without quoronesng he cacount/ Certo the cleretve produ! a mistake ocers in on odervemen! or comet informatio printed we wil dployo notice Sore wth al he cored deais. For bak pols, cry adveriue price per unt wl ony opply # you buy the bulk pack Pies excloe accessories ed fr pe purposes ond nce {5% VA. we alr be produ! nchcualy cs wall crcher pice wil opty o he induc prea os per he aderisement, Masumor Financial Sree: fy Ud son Ahora Fnoncil Series Prova (FS License Ne, 49726) underniten by Mul & Federal Rik Financing. Maro Credit dcleiner"* Monthy istdment ines cord fees, tomer protec insronce ond inte ot 20 28%," Toel Repoymer inclydes cord ees, casemar prtecion surance ond inter ot 20.25% "meret Rates ore sbjet fo change. prices ore indice ond ‘cal repayments may vary bored on account acy. Fees subject fo chonge based on cuslomer rak profile. Repayment opont: Revoking,24'month budge ond 36-month budge. Powered by RCS, «registered Cred ond ovhorised Financ Serces Provider NCRCP 38/FSP 4448

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Sunday 20 November to Monday 28 November 2022 164 cm (65”) Smart QNED TV + Model: 65QNEDBOSGA.AFBB, + AND FreeSync Premium (437081) 139 cm (55”) Smart QNED TV + Mode: SSQNEDSOSGA AFBB (437073) Foes 18 A Gow } @LG Sigedic tonne ae , Germ et ond Neca clog . 164 cm (65”) Smart NanoCell UHD TV oor + Model: 65NANO796GA.AFBB (450095), 139 cm (55”) Smart NanoCell UHD TV * Medel: SSNANO796QA.AFBB (450091) Resolution 3840 x 2160 « Netflix, Disney, Showmax, DSW Now * Game optimizer end ALLM * Magic emote - Jost pont and cli 2.1 Channel Soundbar Model: SUF + Power: 300 W kr OLeD/ | HDMI | use Opa cable ined 55") | SMART | rie ee es YF @LG 4.2 Channel Sound Tower Home Theatre System 2 Yoda toes7 ozaRuK Power: 1200 W. 1 Doal subwoofers builhin 1 Bluetooth stondby ‘Soy 3.1.2 Channel Soundbar + BIBS Neybock Said coe ae (403833) * Dolby Atmos * Al Sound Pro = Wien os screed) @Lc 139 cm (55”) Smart OLED TV + Model OUDSSCSGLAAPB 450192) 164 cm (65”) SMART OLED TV + Mad OUEDSSSHA AEB 1450196) * Resolution : 3840 x 2160 + Net, Disneys, Showmax, DSW Now * Nvidia G-Sync, VRR, ALLM, ond eARC + Dolby Vision IG * Dolby Atmos (86”) , Hom! | use @LG Fa 4.2 Channel Component System Pde Rexi0 {al power ep 2300 W {Hof oupes ond inpt 23D Sound Ps + USB host (316537), @LG 1217 cm (86") SMART UHD TV. + Model: B6UGPO006LC.AFBB » Resolution : 3840 x 2160 » Nex, Disneys, Showmax, Sty Now a ae en haat yee Snare nd ok 0191) Save money. Live better. 48/2022. MKNTGM428_ Mokro DTP_Promotion valid from Sunday 20 November to Monday 28 November 2022 “To corn Rewards download ond register on he mCard app. Ssbjet sted nition, Mako wll have suicienseck io meet oncipcted demand. Sick ofl goods on offers ined, Mako wil ensure that hey have suficint ck Yo meet enicpoted demand, Moko shal wes reosonabe efter fo dacontnue the cer ot soon or sock fsa longer avaiable, we runout of sock of goods on offer, we wl mp oobi reserve sock or offer you a reasencble ond comparable cierotve wh the some produc specications but without quoronesng he cacount/ Certo the cleretve produ! a mistake ocers in on odervemen! or comet informatio printed we wil dployo notice Sore wth al he cored deais. For bak pols, cry adveriue price per unt wl ony opply # you buy the bulk pack Pies excloe accessories ed fr pe purposes ond nce {5% VA. we alr be produ! nchcualy cs wall crcher pice wil opty o he induc prea os per he aderisement, Masumor Financial Sree: fy Ud son Ahora Fnoncil Series Prova (FS License Ne, 49726) underniten by Mul & Federal Rik Financing. Maro Credit dcleiner"* Monthy istdment ines cord fees, tomer protec insronce ond inte ot 20 28%," Toel Repoymer inclydes cord ees, casemar prtecion surance ond inter ot 20.25% "meret Rates ore sbjet fo change. prices ore indice ond ‘cal repayments may vary bored on account acy. Fees subject fo chonge based on cuslomer rak profile. Repayment opont: Revoking,24'month budge ond 36-month budge. Powered by RCS, «registered Cred ond ovhorised Financ Serces Provider NCRCP 38/FSP 4448

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