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Current special Makro - Valid from 20.10 to 09.11 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 20.10.2022 - 09.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

NESTLE NESTLE ‘ADBURY BEACON BEACON Tex Chocolate Bars | 4-Finger KitKat es Aue dsends ate Nosh Chocolate Bars | Wonder Bar Chocolate 329 399 {All variants) 48's CADBURY BEACON 5Star Chocolate Bars TV Bar Chocolate Bars 289 319 {Al orion) {All variants) 40's *3% a when you shop when you shop when you shop at ! yt in-store, Cael BEACON HALLS BEACON CHAPPIES YOGUETA or ALDOR Smoothies or Supa Lozenges R Smoothies Maynards Minis Jelly Sweets SED alesle 130 Se 28 lll 37 bed {All variants) (All variants) 100's 72 28 77: eee iy. sone tipo = MAYNARDS BEACON BEACON MISTER SWEET Wine Gums Rolls Jelly Tots Mini Fizzers Champion Toffees 269 {Al vrons 549 40x 1009 49 {All yorions 00% 209 8” 49 we ght onset (al variants) A vinticey | | Saris, Inbal pk bin pack 284x759 inbok pk whe ad FREE a : a N coed : a Grtinentel Grtinental = Toaster Flat ie cen or it Plate Meee 1) Pologs oles) oh Dinner Plate: Si 2 4 erate Dinner Plates Side Plates . '* Heat-resistant handle Get ise 249 9.5 ¢ Chafing Dish plus ee eee Ee == a 3-Piece Kitchen Tool Set IGS SECS (245365) 229 pc or2peck 3) Octavia Dinner Plates 3} Octavia Side Plates 4499) tenes iasnoas {each} AB Dyer evz pm 24D par oezpate 2 43/2022 Makro_CAP Food Month End_BFN Valid from 20/10/2022 - 9/11/2022

Latest specials

NESTLE NESTLE ‘ADBURY BEACON BEACON Tex Chocolate Bars | 4-Finger KitKat es Aue dsends ate Nosh Chocolate Bars | Wonder Bar Chocolate 329 399 {All variants) 48's CADBURY BEACON 5Star Chocolate Bars TV Bar Chocolate Bars 289 319 {Al orion) {All variants) 40's *3% a when you shop when you shop when you shop at ! yt in-store, Cael BEACON HALLS BEACON CHAPPIES YOGUETA or ALDOR Smoothies or Supa Lozenges R Smoothies Maynards Minis Jelly Sweets SED alesle 130 Se 28 lll 37 bed {All variants) (All variants) 100's 72 28 77: eee iy. sone tipo = MAYNARDS BEACON BEACON MISTER SWEET Wine Gums Rolls Jelly Tots Mini Fizzers Champion Toffees 269 {Al vrons 549 40x 1009 49 {All yorions 00% 209 8” 49 we ght onset (al variants) A vinticey | | Saris, Inbal pk bin pack 284x759 inbok pk whe ad FREE a : a N coed : a Grtinentel Grtinental = Toaster Flat ie cen or it Plate Meee 1) Pologs oles) oh Dinner Plate: Si 2 4 erate Dinner Plates Side Plates . '* Heat-resistant handle Get ise 249 9.5 ¢ Chafing Dish plus ee eee Ee == a 3-Piece Kitchen Tool Set IGS SECS (245365) 229 pc or2peck 3) Octavia Dinner Plates 3} Octavia Side Plates 4499) tenes iasnoas {each} AB Dyer evz pm 24D par oezpate 2 43/2022 Makro_CAP Food Month End_BFN Valid from 20/10/2022 - 9/11/2022

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