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Current special Makro - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 06.11 to 24.12 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 06.11.2022 - 24.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

NESTLE After Eight Mint Chocolate Box 300g NESTLE Black Magic CADBURY 28 9 Milk Tray , Chocolate Box 360g DANISH COOKIES CADBURY CAFFAREL ROYAL FAVOURITES Roses Carton Cornet Hazelnut Danish Butter Cookies 186 g {All variants) {All variants) 1659 800g BAKERS J Choice Assorted Biscuits ; BISCUIT RANGE a - BAKERS ROYAL : ee Snacktime Assorted Dansk Cookies a Crackers ae 1% ive stg 2. MKNTFD406_46 2022. Mokro TVDL_CONFECTIONERY A4_ Promotion valid from Sunday & November to Saturday 24 December 2022 CUSTOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details visit www.makt “To eam mRewords downlood ond register on the mord app. Subject oa stated limitation, Mekro wll have sufficient stock to meet anticipated demand. Stock of ll goods on offer is limited. Makro will ensure that they have sufficient stock to meet anticipated demond. Mao sol wes resonable effort to dscontinoe the oer ot son o tock sno longer available. we rn ot of sock of goods on fer, we wl oemplooblin reserve sock or offer you oreozonoble end conporablealeratve wih he some product specifications but without guaranteeing the discount/offer to the alternative product. a mistake occurs in an advertisement or incomplete information is printed, we wil display @ notice in-store wth al he correc details, For bulk packs, ony advertised price per unit will only apply if you buy he bulk pack. ries excide accessories used for display purposes and include 15% VAT. If we offer he product individually os well another price wll opply to the individvol produc, os per the advertisement. Massmort Financial Services (Py) Ld is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP License No. 49726) underriten by Mutual & Federal isk Financing. Makro Credit disclaimer: “* Monthly instolmen includes card fes, and cuslomer protection insurance ond interest ot 20.25% p.a, “**Total Repayment includes card fees, customer protection insurance ond inerest at 20.25% pa. ***Interest Rates are subject to change. All prices ore indicative and actual repayments may vary based on account acvily. Fees subjec fo change based on customer risk profile. Repayment opfions: Revolving, 24-month budget and 36-month budget. Powered by RCS, a registered Credit and authorised Financial Services Provider. NCRCP 38/FSP 44481

Latest specials

NESTLE After Eight Mint Chocolate Box 300g NESTLE Black Magic CADBURY 28 9 Milk Tray , Chocolate Box 360g DANISH COOKIES CADBURY CAFFAREL ROYAL FAVOURITES Roses Carton Cornet Hazelnut Danish Butter Cookies 186 g {All variants) {All variants) 1659 800g BAKERS J Choice Assorted Biscuits ; BISCUIT RANGE a - BAKERS ROYAL : ee Snacktime Assorted Dansk Cookies a Crackers ae 1% ive stg 2. MKNTFD406_46 2022. Mokro TVDL_CONFECTIONERY A4_ Promotion valid from Sunday & November to Saturday 24 December 2022 CUSTOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details visit www.makt “To eam mRewords downlood ond register on the mord app. Subject oa stated limitation, Mekro wll have sufficient stock to meet anticipated demand. Stock of ll goods on offer is limited. Makro will ensure that they have sufficient stock to meet anticipated demond. Mao sol wes resonable effort to dscontinoe the oer ot son o tock sno longer available. we rn ot of sock of goods on fer, we wl oemplooblin reserve sock or offer you oreozonoble end conporablealeratve wih he some product specifications but without guaranteeing the discount/offer to the alternative product. a mistake occurs in an advertisement or incomplete information is printed, we wil display @ notice in-store wth al he correc details, For bulk packs, ony advertised price per unit will only apply if you buy he bulk pack. ries excide accessories used for display purposes and include 15% VAT. If we offer he product individually os well another price wll opply to the individvol produc, os per the advertisement. Massmort Financial Services (Py) Ld is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP License No. 49726) underriten by Mutual & Federal isk Financing. Makro Credit disclaimer: “* Monthly instolmen includes card fes, and cuslomer protection insurance ond interest ot 20.25% p.a, “**Total Repayment includes card fees, customer protection insurance ond inerest at 20.25% pa. ***Interest Rates are subject to change. All prices ore indicative and actual repayments may vary based on account acvily. Fees subjec fo change based on customer risk profile. Repayment opfions: Revolving, 24-month budget and 36-month budget. Powered by RCS, a registered Credit and authorised Financial Services Provider. NCRCP 38/FSP 44481

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