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Current special Makro - Valid from 03.04 to 02.07 - Page nb 4

Special Makro 03.04.2023 - 02.07.2023

Products in this catalogue

2 for R95 to R47.50 p/unit) PRPA MEEBO MORGAN DOW, 7 UP REE R73, MRNA, MOUNSAR DW. POPS MAX, 7 UP FREE EPSLMAX Sc De No earl ete [00S 107% fr ie ad (A verity 6200 nd PEPSIUCAT Slt ve Cann AV etd 300d (AL wn 124 20 nd Any 4 for RISO Aary 2 for 8120 Any 4 for Riso et fae RS All veriantad 6 x 200 red UQUI FRUIT 100% Juice (All vorionts) 6 x 300 ml CLOVER Tegan UMT Deity Bho (AE variant 6 5 200 Any 3 for R75. ‘for R60 ‘A for R75 sees ‘for R60. apes 1025 pit ‘eyes 20 pei Hein 6 RTS it 8 ote oS phi EL aoe KELOGG’s Noodles Beef, Cheese; Chicken, Durbon CANDEREL ‘OUVE PRIDE WELL Curry of Vegetable Curry 5 x 70g Olive Ol Blend 1, NO VAT Conola Oil 2 NO VAT Any 3 for R6S ‘2 for R100 ‘for R200 Aigaoes W217 wot Sete 850 po Tepes 0100 pit AB) (IB nutella nutelld Spice Refill Barberos aclon Or Sick & Chop 128/160/168 g UTTLE BEE Honey 375 g NUTELLA Hazelnut Spread 680 g 2 for R65 S for R65 ‘Bepoatea te 222.50 pve ‘Beqrotes te 821.47 plonitl CROSSE & BLACKWELL Kasi Souces ALL GOLD Tomato Sauce 700 mi KNORR Morinades (All variants} 500 mi —_KNORR Solad Dressing {Al variants} 340 mi (All vorionts) 330.9 (MRS BAUS Chutney (All voriants} 470 g 4. 15,302) ,Wolry DT, A MORE 4 USS Promaton ck bar Mery 2 Aged el Sune 2 My 2023,

Latest specials

2 for R95 to R47.50 p/unit) PRPA MEEBO MORGAN DOW, 7 UP REE R73, MRNA, MOUNSAR DW. POPS MAX, 7 UP FREE EPSLMAX Sc De No earl ete [00S 107% fr ie ad (A verity 6200 nd PEPSIUCAT Slt ve Cann AV etd 300d (AL wn 124 20 nd Any 4 for RISO Aary 2 for 8120 Any 4 for Riso et fae RS All veriantad 6 x 200 red UQUI FRUIT 100% Juice (All vorionts) 6 x 300 ml CLOVER Tegan UMT Deity Bho (AE variant 6 5 200 Any 3 for R75. ‘for R60 ‘A for R75 sees ‘for R60. apes 1025 pit ‘eyes 20 pei Hein 6 RTS it 8 ote oS phi EL aoe KELOGG’s Noodles Beef, Cheese; Chicken, Durbon CANDEREL ‘OUVE PRIDE WELL Curry of Vegetable Curry 5 x 70g Olive Ol Blend 1, NO VAT Conola Oil 2 NO VAT Any 3 for R6S ‘2 for R100 ‘for R200 Aigaoes W217 wot Sete 850 po Tepes 0100 pit AB) (IB nutella nutelld Spice Refill Barberos aclon Or Sick & Chop 128/160/168 g UTTLE BEE Honey 375 g NUTELLA Hazelnut Spread 680 g 2 for R65 S for R65 ‘Bepoatea te 222.50 pve ‘Beqrotes te 821.47 plonitl CROSSE & BLACKWELL Kasi Souces ALL GOLD Tomato Sauce 700 mi KNORR Morinades (All variants} 500 mi —_KNORR Solad Dressing {Al variants} 340 mi (All vorionts) 330.9 (MRS BAUS Chutney (All voriants} 470 g 4. 15,302) ,Wolry DT, A MORE 4 USS Promaton ck bar Mery 2 Aged el Sune 2 My 2023,

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