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Current special Makro - Valid from 06.09 to 19.09 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 06.09.2022 - 19.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

Ika wynn’s 1) 375 ml Diesel Injector and Turbo Cleaner (150173) Con) 2} 200 ml Carb Cleoner 19s 9D oon 3) 375 ml Injector Cleaner s0013, 7P sown 4) 500 ml Stop Smoke asoees, 125 cocn 5) 375 ml Engine Flush ws2s0e) TTP coor 6) 375 ml Radiator Flush 2sss) OF cocn | ou ENGEN 500 ml Premium Oil SAE 40 (204664) | = enn The ed Cc) | SNEED) 500 ml Mulfigrade j "ha cane 20W-50 Oil | jyg00 ml Brake and Parts Cleaner (ned 35 wk Sea a ES SET eee SST AS 2 | 2} 350 ml Petrol Injector Cleaner worm 49 wor Castrol DP Tortar = 5 Quartz 7000 } 3) 500 ml Smoke Free Oil nono ID var 5c Edge 5W-40 10W-40 j Taby synthetic ++ Synthetic-bosed e) | 4} 350 ml Diesel Injector Cleaner orion 39 win =e ond Relea deol AR er a 24278) mubi-vobve eoginas (424977) each 5 Edge 10W-60 © 1 ¢Quortz 7000 10W-40 21704 699 ser 436138 79 scr hing Fee 105894) Ca) summer fs prin a Gootant fl cooant [fcoonant S€astrol 1¢ 2-Stroke Oil (137543) = 2.37/2022 Mokro, NA_MKNIGM17132 Promotion wala from Tuesdoy 6 September to Monday 19 September 2022

Latest specials

Ika wynn’s 1) 375 ml Diesel Injector and Turbo Cleaner (150173) Con) 2} 200 ml Carb Cleoner 19s 9D oon 3) 375 ml Injector Cleaner s0013, 7P sown 4) 500 ml Stop Smoke asoees, 125 cocn 5) 375 ml Engine Flush ws2s0e) TTP coor 6) 375 ml Radiator Flush 2sss) OF cocn | ou ENGEN 500 ml Premium Oil SAE 40 (204664) | = enn The ed Cc) | SNEED) 500 ml Mulfigrade j "ha cane 20W-50 Oil | jyg00 ml Brake and Parts Cleaner (ned 35 wk Sea a ES SET eee SST AS 2 | 2} 350 ml Petrol Injector Cleaner worm 49 wor Castrol DP Tortar = 5 Quartz 7000 } 3) 500 ml Smoke Free Oil nono ID var 5c Edge 5W-40 10W-40 j Taby synthetic ++ Synthetic-bosed e) | 4} 350 ml Diesel Injector Cleaner orion 39 win =e ond Relea deol AR er a 24278) mubi-vobve eoginas (424977) each 5 Edge 10W-60 © 1 ¢Quortz 7000 10W-40 21704 699 ser 436138 79 scr hing Fee 105894) Ca) summer fs prin a Gootant fl cooant [fcoonant S€astrol 1¢ 2-Stroke Oil (137543) = 2.37/2022 Mokro, NA_MKNIGM17132 Promotion wala from Tuesdoy 6 September to Monday 19 September 2022

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