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Current special Makro - Valid from 05.09 to 18.09 - Page nb 13

Special Makro 05.09.2022 - 18.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 2000 ek] Cera) } Swan Stealth Breakfast Pock tooth Be ESPRESSO. 3 epi ht wd et ete Vertuo Next OR ese Welle Noche 4.7 ¢Marvello 10 Sueiacoreeeaetar 9 | 1799 Stagg Bowl Miner 1499 execs a an | oar ion VSCe 1.7 ¢Ketlle | KENWOOD _ . ie id 449 2-Slice Toaster 499 Induction Cooker 699 seeuarecut: | VO 99 ee ee ea =. iasien =” ee @ Milex ) Food Processor | en iar ) | =a Va 699 SAVE 500 ed Whirlpool SAMSUNG 32.¢ Electronic Microwave Oven ere “Het wt 3 34 ¢Grill Microwave ions? "1999 2) | PEACE OF MIND | Extend the warranty on your product to up to 5 years which includes manufacturer's guarantee. 6 37/2072 Mokro DIP TVD MENTGM16416.Prometion valid from Monday 5 Seplumber te Sunday 1B September 2022

Latest specials

SAVE 2000 ek] Cera) } Swan Stealth Breakfast Pock tooth Be ESPRESSO. 3 epi ht wd et ete Vertuo Next OR ese Welle Noche 4.7 ¢Marvello 10 Sueiacoreeeaetar 9 | 1799 Stagg Bowl Miner 1499 execs a an | oar ion VSCe 1.7 ¢Ketlle | KENWOOD _ . ie id 449 2-Slice Toaster 499 Induction Cooker 699 seeuarecut: | VO 99 ee ee ea =. iasien =” ee @ Milex ) Food Processor | en iar ) | =a Va 699 SAVE 500 ed Whirlpool SAMSUNG 32.¢ Electronic Microwave Oven ere “Het wt 3 34 ¢Grill Microwave ions? "1999 2) | PEACE OF MIND | Extend the warranty on your product to up to 5 years which includes manufacturer's guarantee. 6 37/2072 Mokro DIP TVD MENTGM16416.Prometion valid from Monday 5 Seplumber te Sunday 1B September 2022

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