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Current special Makro - Valid from 06.02 to 19.02 - Page nb 4

Special Makro 06.02.2023 - 19.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

@ Russell Hobbs oe egg Sion * Colour: white matt SF 5 be] 9 ord Poe 129 per 4-pock | Consol. Lyon White Wine, Flute or Red Wine Glasses (921531; 321540; 321541), BEL » O Russell Hobbs. a ieate| 299 | 1 [179209 ™ = * PRIMARIES Hollow Fibre Duvet Inner ; f = tle - ~ Seamer 1139 249 | Sxtacem™ "1999.69 |sactontritone 122 10189 ecco to idattossaaaary” nP to © Colour ented Snogpree! fo eiegoe mata in swe | singe king 139 single king ete face cloth bath sheet ced eT Th 230 x 218 cm 230 x 250 cm § AXED GLODINA vga Sia Cre osst Towel Standard Quilted Pillow as Po ps ) Hipster Laundry Basket zy Chenille 2-Piece Bathmat Set | * Colour onorted ) Laundry Basket with lid 1 Ste: 40x 60 cm ond 50x 80 cm (444545) 424865 199 = PY Roy) ic Card Pra) errand Earn ae mRewards Pew omen iy 12. 07/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM494_ Promotion valid from Monday 6 February to Sunday 19 February 2023

Latest specials

@ Russell Hobbs oe egg Sion * Colour: white matt SF 5 be] 9 ord Poe 129 per 4-pock | Consol. Lyon White Wine, Flute or Red Wine Glasses (921531; 321540; 321541), BEL » O Russell Hobbs. a ieate| 299 | 1 [179209 ™ = * PRIMARIES Hollow Fibre Duvet Inner ; f = tle - ~ Seamer 1139 249 | Sxtacem™ "1999.69 |sactontritone 122 10189 ecco to idattossaaaary” nP to © Colour ented Snogpree! fo eiegoe mata in swe | singe king 139 single king ete face cloth bath sheet ced eT Th 230 x 218 cm 230 x 250 cm § AXED GLODINA vga Sia Cre osst Towel Standard Quilted Pillow as Po ps ) Hipster Laundry Basket zy Chenille 2-Piece Bathmat Set | * Colour onorted ) Laundry Basket with lid 1 Ste: 40x 60 cm ond 50x 80 cm (444545) 424865 199 = PY Roy) ic Card Pra) errand Earn ae mRewards Pew omen iy 12. 07/2023 Makro DTP TVDL MKNTGM494_ Promotion valid from Monday 6 February to Sunday 19 February 2023

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