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Current special Makro - Valid from 01.01 to 15.01 - Page nb 10

Special Makro 01.01.2023 - 15.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

JACK Di LIVET y fear i) eo Tennessee Whiskey Moxey —— swouLoEs t a TE aus JAMESON TULLAMORE DEW GRANT'S THE FAMOUS GROUSE J THREE SHIPS y ie Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey 12Y0 Blended Scotch Whisky b Select Whisky Ait Irish Whiskey ‘Scotch Whisky crt ay . — ——=— Toor coe aa &DUBOUCHE == Rm iy — a, en nae oe cs ran MOR oe = tev ¥ Spiced Gold Black Spirit Aperitif Jamaican Rum Se | gem 14? | Fit 149 | fee or | 2) s |=. BOMBAY BELGRAVIA RUSSIAN BEAR FIREBALL | y WILD AFRICA Sapphire and london Dry, Blood Blaq Vanilla or No.6 Whisky Cream, Chocolate Bramble Gin ‘Orange, Blackberry Ginger Flavour or Salted or Cafe Latte Twin Pack or Pink Gin Vodka Caramel Liqueur Liqueur CUSTOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details visit www.makro. 10 02/2023 Mokro DTP/NA MKNTGM351_Promotion valid from Sunday 1 January to Soturdoy 15 January 2023 “Beam mow dow od pit ene arden urs nybe oe de cas, en ayn perce Skt god en ined. Mak wil ene hy hor wet ko me ced dpa alo lt renal cor acoso oor ack ta lrger wale fro ft cf gach on cer, rl enepa con ere ost lr yor arose rd compare Grate SUT se ret cabo ee garry he concern cnc Hama arimckrten ren ran ped wp natch olor Fo pa ‘Sy erence oe ey htt bed ok New edo omer ed Sil pp ed cide fv cs eps selec och paced ep he rnc pe orp fe cher ‘Gator atad Sven yi st obec cel sre Rete OU Ne e7 ae ebro oy ded 6 dod ek Pang Me Cc nd csc“ Mat ace dcr conor reson Sener ond aves apa hse ccs proton terrae on tee ch 21 "tae ee ale i rg. Alp ere od deport yn oe ay et ‘lhe done bond Fell poet ors ing 2 tty on mor bg Poon y RC, aed Coon Paneer Po NCD 98/FF tlc, Ou retuned 2p wine eaten we coves grin ate pei allen li ta cc Nv Pc 1 A od be dpe ys) ewes. DRINK RESPONSIBLY. NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

Latest specials

JACK Di LIVET y fear i) eo Tennessee Whiskey Moxey —— swouLoEs t a TE aus JAMESON TULLAMORE DEW GRANT'S THE FAMOUS GROUSE J THREE SHIPS y ie Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey 12Y0 Blended Scotch Whisky b Select Whisky Ait Irish Whiskey ‘Scotch Whisky crt ay . — ——=— Toor coe aa &DUBOUCHE == Rm iy — a, en nae oe cs ran MOR oe = tev ¥ Spiced Gold Black Spirit Aperitif Jamaican Rum Se | gem 14? | Fit 149 | fee or | 2) s |=. BOMBAY BELGRAVIA RUSSIAN BEAR FIREBALL | y WILD AFRICA Sapphire and london Dry, Blood Blaq Vanilla or No.6 Whisky Cream, Chocolate Bramble Gin ‘Orange, Blackberry Ginger Flavour or Salted or Cafe Latte Twin Pack or Pink Gin Vodka Caramel Liqueur Liqueur CUSTOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details visit www.makro. 10 02/2023 Mokro DTP/NA MKNTGM351_Promotion valid from Sunday 1 January to Soturdoy 15 January 2023 “Beam mow dow od pit ene arden urs nybe oe de cas, en ayn perce Skt god en ined. Mak wil ene hy hor wet ko me ced dpa alo lt renal cor acoso oor ack ta lrger wale fro ft cf gach on cer, rl enepa con ere ost lr yor arose rd compare Grate SUT se ret cabo ee garry he concern cnc Hama arimckrten ren ran ped wp natch olor Fo pa ‘Sy erence oe ey htt bed ok New edo omer ed Sil pp ed cide fv cs eps selec och paced ep he rnc pe orp fe cher ‘Gator atad Sven yi st obec cel sre Rete OU Ne e7 ae ebro oy ded 6 dod ek Pang Me Cc nd csc“ Mat ace dcr conor reson Sener ond aves apa hse ccs proton terrae on tee ch 21 "tae ee ale i rg. Alp ere od deport yn oe ay et ‘lhe done bond Fell poet ors ing 2 tty on mor bg Poon y RC, aed Coon Paneer Po NCD 98/FF tlc, Ou retuned 2p wine eaten we coves grin ate pei allen li ta cc Nv Pc 1 A od be dpe ys) ewes. DRINK RESPONSIBLY. NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

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