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Current special Makro - Valid from 19.01 to 08.02 - Page nb 8

Special Makro 19.01.2023 - 08.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

NUTRIDAY DANONE CLOVER = CLOVER Low Fat Smooth UttraMel Vanilla Custard| beAUbueeabonen Fresh Mik Krush Fruit Juice Yoghurt Cheese Loaf fulcreon {All variants) (All variants) 6x 100g LANCEWOOD' S CHEDDAR ene | | 00g | he Blockbuster haw: i DANONE PARMALAT LANCEWOOD PARMALAT Yogi Sip Steri Stumpie Flavoured Mozzarella Loaf Processed Cheese Slices {All variants) Milk e2ee £2.25 kg (All variants) (Wl veions) — Aya ae = = KOG) §0G) fOG) | Fy ye Wwae = 004 | 08 \ 9S ws ° eriads ‘ne (Cheddar or Gouda) s vole pod 900 g STORK CLOVER MA D‘LITE RAINBOW Country Spread Tub Mooi River Butter Salted Le 9 37% Fat Spread Tubs Simply Chicken Polony {All variants) Original 70% Fat Spread Bricks Bices B ies eis} ao Saneree SUREFRESH 18d NEW ERA NEW ERA Frozen Chips Fish Fingers Frozen Chicken Breast Fillets | Frozen Chicken Thighs NO VAT 2009 ee 279 ‘suréiresh : ‘ h | us re 7 |Feossees V] =) P i =—— 322s | =< os ay 32 Unit p Ju Ur MAMA'S TODAY RAINBOW NEW ERA Puff Pastry Simply Chicken Viennas Frozen Chicken Wings Jacques Kallis Jacques Kallis Mrinal a oo Lemna 85 cee ye pay | TDN ge s a & Poesy Ss om = & } i : es eet : : ; Pe, ries ts he ese alee i 4 i os perkg —_(Check/lde) nee 18 04/2023 Mokro.Food_Menth End. GAUTENG Promotion valid from Thuridoy 19 Jonvary 2023 to Wednesdoy 8 February 2023 TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS “makro card" to 311.44 | For store details it deco ele del ier lr ocr ron os Sok stn okie Be tl a cmap ein he sek of ose remondle here oma i tan Troe ‘ yop yoy bo pc. rcs ec xenares d edaly pry 2 ‘idly os we cre prc wl py he cl proc x rhe crane Moma Fan Sencs Ud an Ader Fcol Serie ove FS Ler No 76d by Mul 8 Fedele Fog Medi icc eros ond er "ool apo vhes cores core proton reread i 21 chonge a - ik pelle. apo pon: Ring, 2 mats bsgl on 36 Towed by BCS 0 ied Cd Lecone re cone! geen ttc pec vagy il be rate ot peck tre rem nue 15S WA ed bole dpe

Latest specials

NUTRIDAY DANONE CLOVER = CLOVER Low Fat Smooth UttraMel Vanilla Custard| beAUbueeabonen Fresh Mik Krush Fruit Juice Yoghurt Cheese Loaf fulcreon {All variants) (All variants) 6x 100g LANCEWOOD' S CHEDDAR ene | | 00g | he Blockbuster haw: i DANONE PARMALAT LANCEWOOD PARMALAT Yogi Sip Steri Stumpie Flavoured Mozzarella Loaf Processed Cheese Slices {All variants) Milk e2ee £2.25 kg (All variants) (Wl veions) — Aya ae = = KOG) §0G) fOG) | Fy ye Wwae = 004 | 08 \ 9S ws ° eriads ‘ne (Cheddar or Gouda) s vole pod 900 g STORK CLOVER MA D‘LITE RAINBOW Country Spread Tub Mooi River Butter Salted Le 9 37% Fat Spread Tubs Simply Chicken Polony {All variants) Original 70% Fat Spread Bricks Bices B ies eis} ao Saneree SUREFRESH 18d NEW ERA NEW ERA Frozen Chips Fish Fingers Frozen Chicken Breast Fillets | Frozen Chicken Thighs NO VAT 2009 ee 279 ‘suréiresh : ‘ h | us re 7 |Feossees V] =) P i =—— 322s | =< os ay 32 Unit p Ju Ur MAMA'S TODAY RAINBOW NEW ERA Puff Pastry Simply Chicken Viennas Frozen Chicken Wings Jacques Kallis Jacques Kallis Mrinal a oo Lemna 85 cee ye pay | TDN ge s a & Poesy Ss om = & } i : es eet : : ; Pe, ries ts he ese alee i 4 i os perkg —_(Check/lde) nee 18 04/2023 Mokro.Food_Menth End. GAUTENG Promotion valid from Thuridoy 19 Jonvary 2023 to Wednesdoy 8 February 2023 TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS “makro card" to 311.44 | For store details it deco ele del ier lr ocr ron os Sok stn okie Be tl a cmap ein he sek of ose remondle here oma i tan Troe ‘ yop yoy bo pc. rcs ec xenares d edaly pry 2 ‘idly os we cre prc wl py he cl proc x rhe crane Moma Fan Sencs Ud an Ader Fcol Serie ove FS Ler No 76d by Mul 8 Fedele Fog Medi icc eros ond er "ool apo vhes cores core proton reread i 21 chonge a - ik pelle. apo pon: Ring, 2 mats bsgl on 36 Towed by BCS 0 ied Cd Lecone re cone! geen ttc pec vagy il be rate ot peck tre rem nue 15S WA ed bole dpe

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