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Current special Makro - Back to School - Valid from 11.12 to 31.01 - Page nb 3

Special Makro 11.12.2022 - 31.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

LIVERPOOL SET 1) Book Labels (450307) 9 per 2) Ad Precut Book Cover (450306) #2 Designs per pock 3) Lunch Bag (444324) 129 sacr 44) Book Cover Wrap (450304) ‘1m (w) x 700 mm (h) 5} Drinking Botles (444319), 46) Pencil Case (444128) ‘33 cm Deluxe 8) Pencil Case (444305) #25 cm Borrel MANCHESTER UNITED SET 1) Book Labels (275621) 1 2) Ad Precut Book Cover (275618) Designs per pack 3) Book Cover Wrap (283102), 1m (wx 700 mm (h) Pencil Case (275623) '33 em Deluxe 5) Pencil Cose (275615) 9. ‘omporiment 6) Pencil Cose (316916) #25 em Barrel NEXT LEVEL SET 1) Book Labels (427800) 7 per 2)A4 Precut Book Covers 427775) +2 Designs per pock 3) Lunch Bags (427146) a +2 Designs per set 4) Book Cover Wrop (627764) a tab) x70 ne Hl 5) Drinking Boles (427183) +2 Colours per st 46) Pencil Case (427473) ‘ Double zip barrel < SQUAD 09 SET 1) Book Labels (427801) 7 per 1-pock 2) Ad Precut Book Cover (427769) 1 2 Designs per pock P 3) Lunch Bogs (427172) 44) Book Cover Wrap (427751) ‘= Tm (w) x 700 mm (h) 5} Drinking Botles (427192), 46) Pencil Case (427472) = #25 cm Barrel CRAZY PUG SET 1) Book Labels (427755) 2) Ad Precut Book Cover (827788) #2 Designs per pack , 3) Lunch Bogs (427317) AD cock 44) Book Cover Wrap (427789) ‘+ Lm (wx 700 mm (h) 5) Drinking Botles (427198) oe 46) Pencil Case (427471) = 33 em Deluxe LOVE GRAFFITI SET 1) Book Labels (427781) 2) Ad Precut Book Cover (427773) + 2 Designs per pack pe 3) Lunch Bogs (427106) 44) Book Cover Wrap (427758) ‘Tm (w) x 700 mm (h) aoe 5} Drinking Bottles (427195) Case (427478 partment “To earn Rewards downlod ond register onthe mCord opp. Sujet oa eed Knttion, Maro wil have ie! sock mee nkcpated demand. Sock oll goods on fei nied, Make wil eosre tht hey hove nie! soak o meet onipotedGamand Maize sol ves eosonble els a dione fs oir or oon eck no angerovolbl: Howe un st of ok ol good ‘Sncer we wl otemplo abn resove sock or ole yoy 0 reorenae nd comporabi ghemolve wi he some produ! specheasom but who! guoraricng the dacout/oller he sherre ogee te Sto earn cl ote pe om wl Soy grote gb om ee Sis a UH por oy ed ce tt i Pelee batamen esses Franc Svcs Ty td son Arbon: Fecncal Suess Peter FF Lens No S973 andro by Neal & Fela] aL Popcng, Mabe Ged ‘Sedmer “Mordlymesimenpcudes card tes, costar proton iayonce ond rs of 20 25%. Toal Repoymer incu cord fen, cuore protconisronca sad wr ot 20.25% ‘stort Res er subject Guage. Al pics ere icizalve ond ech! repayments may vary bowed on cesar coy. Fes sce fo che based on cose pte Repay pons evoking, month bsdget ond 3omonh badge Powered by RCS, 0 regard Credit ond Guboraed Finan Sanser Piet NCRCP 39/4SP 44adh makros s Fad i | Ss g F E ITTEE) OE LX0)] MKNTGM206_ 51/2022 Makro DTP/NARE Promotion valid from Sunday 11 December 2022 to Tuesday 31 Jonvary 2023

Latest specials

LIVERPOOL SET 1) Book Labels (450307) 9 per 2) Ad Precut Book Cover (450306) #2 Designs per pock 3) Lunch Bag (444324) 129 sacr 44) Book Cover Wrap (450304) ‘1m (w) x 700 mm (h) 5} Drinking Botles (444319), 46) Pencil Case (444128) ‘33 cm Deluxe 8) Pencil Case (444305) #25 cm Borrel MANCHESTER UNITED SET 1) Book Labels (275621) 1 2) Ad Precut Book Cover (275618) Designs per pack 3) Book Cover Wrap (283102), 1m (wx 700 mm (h) Pencil Case (275623) '33 em Deluxe 5) Pencil Cose (275615) 9. ‘omporiment 6) Pencil Cose (316916) #25 em Barrel NEXT LEVEL SET 1) Book Labels (427800) 7 per 2)A4 Precut Book Covers 427775) +2 Designs per pock 3) Lunch Bags (427146) a +2 Designs per set 4) Book Cover Wrop (627764) a tab) x70 ne Hl 5) Drinking Boles (427183) +2 Colours per st 46) Pencil Case (427473) ‘ Double zip barrel < SQUAD 09 SET 1) Book Labels (427801) 7 per 1-pock 2) Ad Precut Book Cover (427769) 1 2 Designs per pock P 3) Lunch Bogs (427172) 44) Book Cover Wrap (427751) ‘= Tm (w) x 700 mm (h) 5} Drinking Botles (427192), 46) Pencil Case (427472) = #25 cm Barrel CRAZY PUG SET 1) Book Labels (427755) 2) Ad Precut Book Cover (827788) #2 Designs per pack , 3) Lunch Bogs (427317) AD cock 44) Book Cover Wrap (427789) ‘+ Lm (wx 700 mm (h) 5) Drinking Botles (427198) oe 46) Pencil Case (427471) = 33 em Deluxe LOVE GRAFFITI SET 1) Book Labels (427781) 2) Ad Precut Book Cover (427773) + 2 Designs per pack pe 3) Lunch Bogs (427106) 44) Book Cover Wrap (427758) ‘Tm (w) x 700 mm (h) aoe 5} Drinking Bottles (427195) Case (427478 partment “To earn Rewards downlod ond register onthe mCord opp. Sujet oa eed Knttion, Maro wil have ie! sock mee nkcpated demand. Sock oll goods on fei nied, Make wil eosre tht hey hove nie! soak o meet onipotedGamand Maize sol ves eosonble els a dione fs oir or oon eck no angerovolbl: Howe un st of ok ol good ‘Sncer we wl otemplo abn resove sock or ole yoy 0 reorenae nd comporabi ghemolve wi he some produ! specheasom but who! guoraricng the dacout/oller he sherre ogee te Sto earn cl ote pe om wl Soy grote gb om ee Sis a UH por oy ed ce tt i Pelee batamen esses Franc Svcs Ty td son Arbon: Fecncal Suess Peter FF Lens No S973 andro by Neal & Fela] aL Popcng, Mabe Ged ‘Sedmer “Mordlymesimenpcudes card tes, costar proton iayonce ond rs of 20 25%. Toal Repoymer incu cord fen, cuore protconisronca sad wr ot 20.25% ‘stort Res er subject Guage. Al pics ere icizalve ond ech! repayments may vary bowed on cesar coy. Fes sce fo che based on cose pte Repay pons evoking, month bsdget ond 3omonh badge Powered by RCS, 0 regard Credit ond Guboraed Finan Sanser Piet NCRCP 39/4SP 44adh makros s Fad i | Ss g F E ITTEE) OE LX0)] MKNTGM206_ 51/2022 Makro DTP/NARE Promotion valid from Sunday 11 December 2022 to Tuesday 31 Jonvary 2023

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