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Current special Makro - Valid from 19.09 to 02.10 - Page nb 4

Special Makro 19.09.2022 - 02.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

home coofiny AT ITS BEST seb SE ON @ Tissoww 12 iece Stainless Steel Cookware Set MITET I 1 7-Piece Utensil Set = Comsits of 16 cm, 18 rm, 20 ean, 24 cm pots, 16 cm sercepen Bem eg an ol wth es 1499 | "| * Ssitoble for oll hob types (251856) Lew] a BS: 4 OOKWARE LG ar if Fi ¥ 2 ) » ( , i) @ Russell Hobbs: @ Bomett Read 6-Piece Nostalgia Cookware Set 10-Piece Cuisine Craft Stainless Stee! Tamm Sera: (UII) Sooke set 1499 Consist of 18 cam, 20 cm ond 24 cm conseraes, all with id, 24 em fryieg pon, | spotle end 2 solid ypooms (389096; 2 = Renter 26 cm Non-Stick 9 | 2S 349 rm [349] WH, 24 em Non-Slick Frying Pan 44366031 249 soc 28 cm Non-Stick Frying Pan pai933 @ Bennett Read (436711) 349 cock eee ee et iis 6 ¢ Stainless Steel * Piece Non-Stick + Dishwasher ond evensafe op 80 200 °C Pressure Cooker Induction Cookware Set TDD | «2 vis pon and 3 esis, 20 om + Suitable for al hob types searte cence ‘nd 24cm ps with eds (422153) (993536) ‘with Kids and a 24 em frying pon (383075) AQUA Com Iron Cookware Tefel [99.999] | seman, 199) 259.399) 39/2022 Mokso DIP/TMO. MKNIGM16454. Promotion valid from Monday 19 September fo Sunday 2 Odober 2022

Latest specials

home coofiny AT ITS BEST seb SE ON @ Tissoww 12 iece Stainless Steel Cookware Set MITET I 1 7-Piece Utensil Set = Comsits of 16 cm, 18 rm, 20 ean, 24 cm pots, 16 cm sercepen Bem eg an ol wth es 1499 | "| * Ssitoble for oll hob types (251856) Lew] a BS: 4 OOKWARE LG ar if Fi ¥ 2 ) » ( , i) @ Russell Hobbs: @ Bomett Read 6-Piece Nostalgia Cookware Set 10-Piece Cuisine Craft Stainless Stee! Tamm Sera: (UII) Sooke set 1499 Consist of 18 cam, 20 cm ond 24 cm conseraes, all with id, 24 em fryieg pon, | spotle end 2 solid ypooms (389096; 2 = Renter 26 cm Non-Stick 9 | 2S 349 rm [349] WH, 24 em Non-Slick Frying Pan 44366031 249 soc 28 cm Non-Stick Frying Pan pai933 @ Bennett Read (436711) 349 cock eee ee et iis 6 ¢ Stainless Steel * Piece Non-Stick + Dishwasher ond evensafe op 80 200 °C Pressure Cooker Induction Cookware Set TDD | «2 vis pon and 3 esis, 20 om + Suitable for al hob types searte cence ‘nd 24cm ps with eds (422153) (993536) ‘with Kids and a 24 em frying pon (383075) AQUA Com Iron Cookware Tefel [99.999] | seman, 199) 259.399) 39/2022 Mokso DIP/TMO. MKNIGM16454. Promotion valid from Monday 19 September fo Sunday 2 Odober 2022

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