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Current special Makro - Valid from 08.09 to 21.09 - Page nb 3

Special Makro 08.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

LANCEWOOD \ sunsuine: RAINBOW fl eae tt | le ; a eld a babes “~ 009 = g nie [ane . = SUNSHINE D [ee aed GOUDA nr, = ip we Atre cty ) Pry ee c's : DANONE INKOMAZI ESK( Ubromel Custard Full Cream Maas Low Fat Smooth Yoghurt Super M Flavoured Long Life Milk Tropika Dairy Blend Rindloss Bock, Shoulder or ha NO VAT (A wort) 2 {A vorinta) (Ad vertenn Round Cut Bacon 2005 150 | ©... tl 125:|=.. 50 | = 33 Sor 50 | | 70 rte er nea famed eee itane paws ; ; ee >= aa @ capitec BACKS Ae sassa NEDBANK Available in-store. ? eres makro es TEASPOON TIPS Togless Teabog Pouch wore 160 | 16". 135 | 2... [91% | 15" Ee aa tm A RHODES eer UM Cte omer ta} Cr » ach wt - ACE ae THOKOMAN . _ LUCKY STAR Instont Porridge wanton Peanut Butter Pilchards in Tomato or Chill Sovee _ Haven A vor bg ie NO VAT 165 | 1°. 76, |e. 55 | [255 | 2 : 2 | | 9 : A Roepe EAB Ane eine ghee see ics ween wep” ‘Sof Broom ied aren ‘2. for | 99 | 129 | 99 149 159 | raepsmel 149 | =a Lie ames mes = makro a

Latest specials

LANCEWOOD \ sunsuine: RAINBOW fl eae tt | le ; a eld a babes “~ 009 = g nie [ane . = SUNSHINE D [ee aed GOUDA nr, = ip we Atre cty ) Pry ee c's : DANONE INKOMAZI ESK( Ubromel Custard Full Cream Maas Low Fat Smooth Yoghurt Super M Flavoured Long Life Milk Tropika Dairy Blend Rindloss Bock, Shoulder or ha NO VAT (A wort) 2 {A vorinta) (Ad vertenn Round Cut Bacon 2005 150 | ©... tl 125:|=.. 50 | = 33 Sor 50 | | 70 rte er nea famed eee itane paws ; ; ee >= aa @ capitec BACKS Ae sassa NEDBANK Available in-store. ? eres makro es TEASPOON TIPS Togless Teabog Pouch wore 160 | 16". 135 | 2... [91% | 15" Ee aa tm A RHODES eer UM Cte omer ta} Cr » ach wt - ACE ae THOKOMAN . _ LUCKY STAR Instont Porridge wanton Peanut Butter Pilchards in Tomato or Chill Sovee _ Haven A vor bg ie NO VAT 165 | 1°. 76, |e. 55 | [255 | 2 : 2 | | 9 : A Roepe EAB Ane eine ghee see ics ween wep” ‘Sof Broom ied aren ‘2. for | 99 | 129 | 99 149 159 | raepsmel 149 | =a Lie ames mes = makro a

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