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Current special Makro - Valid from 22.12 to 04.01 - Page nb 8

Special Makro 22.12.2022 - 04.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

NUTRIDAY Low Fat Smooth Yoghurt {All variants) DANONE Ultramel Vanilla Custard le DANONE Yogi Sip (All arin) PARMALAT Steri Stumpie Flavoured Milk SS (al verons) in bulk pock BONNITA Cheese Loaf (Gx) (39) (Cheddar or Gouda) £2.25 kg CRICKLEY Full Cream Amasi NO VAT HENTIES Nectar Juice {All variants) 3¢ LANCEWOOD Mozzarella Loaf 22.25kg PARMALAT Processed Cheese Slices CORDON BLEU 70% Fat Spread Bricks eal D‘LITE 37% Fat Spread Tub atta) FLORA 50% Fat Spread Tubs (450) zz. PLO eR chen izet i Cr ‘coll eal | | Fig '589)2. || 360) 20: Tao SEE pet int peck POA la lett Mitta <) SUREFRESH 185 wed 1 Frozen = Catering Beef Burger Patties 399 SUNSHINI zig, = Sheu: | SUNSHINE! NOAT sess De BY. ° ST ti 2 oe Bike “i me Se Se 569 | 2. Dos weet BIG JACK TODAY Pies Puff Pastry a rer - = Le By zr lit = TT Tm ee Gonmon OD. toners «OH = fara! paar paar) = al 22 -= Cee Sed ener ect) pasar ead Poa ee ae) 85 oo 99 Gao 18 52/2022 Mokro. CAP Food Month End. GQEBERHA Promotion valid om Thursday 22 Dacember 2022 to Wednesday 4 Jonvory 2023 RAINBOW Frozen Chicken Mixed Portions 2kf RAINBOW 7 hea ARO Crumbed Chicken Catering Packs {All variants) mca Q RAINBOW NEW ERA Frozen Chicken Breast Fillets 27g NEW ERA Frozen Chicken Thighs 5 RAINBOW Simply Chicken Viennas (Alvin BRITO’S. French Pol a “Tg.ama wfevards downlaod ond jer on he Card opp, Sibi ded Koon, Maio walla win eck mee onGpaed donond Sock ssibcen ecko met onipled damond Molr shal use season ellos to dacotin he llr ox soon os Hock no ln ‘lier you oreceonble ced tomporble ches wh he sme prec specsioes bt wile gvorenenng ha ooen/o {prot wa wel play onoce tore wo the crre dette For bok pols, ony odverhued price par unt wl only opel i you by the ak pack. Prices sco cccenais ved fr dip purpose and inde 5%, VAT fw ler the produc! ndhaduly os wal, onaber pice wil ppt the nid pres, ox pr he adverivorent Mossman Seces Py id son Authorised Fanci Sees Ponder (FP Lcrse No 149726} unerwrien by Mua & Fede Rik Fmancing, Mekro Cet ckimer.“* Moni stalin ncudes cord fen, ond camer protean masrance ond eres ot 20.25% po. “Tol Rapes nes cord fees, csomer protection surance ond irs ot 20.25% po. "ere! Res ae suet o change Al prices oe irda ond cual repoymens may vory bowed on ocount chy. Feo subject a chonge based on lite fk rl, Repayment epons Revehing, 24-manih budget end 36 mont budge Powered by RCS, a roger Cred ond auhorted Financial Series Prod NRCP 38/SP 44a8 aT ap a a pa copii fama rasa Speake utcmop tenper tate Tecate train escent ag et TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 ro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details visit makro my

Latest specials

NUTRIDAY Low Fat Smooth Yoghurt {All variants) DANONE Ultramel Vanilla Custard le DANONE Yogi Sip (All arin) PARMALAT Steri Stumpie Flavoured Milk SS (al verons) in bulk pock BONNITA Cheese Loaf (Gx) (39) (Cheddar or Gouda) £2.25 kg CRICKLEY Full Cream Amasi NO VAT HENTIES Nectar Juice {All variants) 3¢ LANCEWOOD Mozzarella Loaf 22.25kg PARMALAT Processed Cheese Slices CORDON BLEU 70% Fat Spread Bricks eal D‘LITE 37% Fat Spread Tub atta) FLORA 50% Fat Spread Tubs (450) zz. PLO eR chen izet i Cr ‘coll eal | | Fig '589)2. || 360) 20: Tao SEE pet int peck POA la lett Mitta <) SUREFRESH 185 wed 1 Frozen = Catering Beef Burger Patties 399 SUNSHINI zig, = Sheu: | SUNSHINE! NOAT sess De BY. ° ST ti 2 oe Bike “i me Se Se 569 | 2. Dos weet BIG JACK TODAY Pies Puff Pastry a rer - = Le By zr lit = TT Tm ee Gonmon OD. toners «OH = fara! paar paar) = al 22 -= Cee Sed ener ect) pasar ead Poa ee ae) 85 oo 99 Gao 18 52/2022 Mokro. CAP Food Month End. GQEBERHA Promotion valid om Thursday 22 Dacember 2022 to Wednesday 4 Jonvory 2023 RAINBOW Frozen Chicken Mixed Portions 2kf RAINBOW 7 hea ARO Crumbed Chicken Catering Packs {All variants) mca Q RAINBOW NEW ERA Frozen Chicken Breast Fillets 27g NEW ERA Frozen Chicken Thighs 5 RAINBOW Simply Chicken Viennas (Alvin BRITO’S. French Pol a “Tg.ama wfevards downlaod ond jer on he Card opp, Sibi ded Koon, Maio walla win eck mee onGpaed donond Sock ssibcen ecko met onipled damond Molr shal use season ellos to dacotin he llr ox soon os Hock no ln ‘lier you oreceonble ced tomporble ches wh he sme prec specsioes bt wile gvorenenng ha ooen/o {prot wa wel play onoce tore wo the crre dette For bok pols, ony odverhued price par unt wl only opel i you by the ak pack. Prices sco cccenais ved fr dip purpose and inde 5%, VAT fw ler the produc! ndhaduly os wal, onaber pice wil ppt the nid pres, ox pr he adverivorent Mossman Seces Py id son Authorised Fanci Sees Ponder (FP Lcrse No 149726} unerwrien by Mua & Fede Rik Fmancing, Mekro Cet ckimer.“* Moni stalin ncudes cord fen, ond camer protean masrance ond eres ot 20.25% po. “Tol Rapes nes cord fees, csomer protection surance ond irs ot 20.25% po. "ere! Res ae suet o change Al prices oe irda ond cual repoymens may vory bowed on ocount chy. Feo subject a chonge based on lite fk rl, Repayment epons Revehing, 24-manih budget end 36 mont budge Powered by RCS, a roger Cred ond auhorted Financial Series Prod NRCP 38/SP 44a8 aT ap a a pa copii fama rasa Speake utcmop tenper tate Tecate train escent ag et TOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 ro card. SMS “makro card” to 31144 | For store details visit makro my

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