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Current special Makro - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 28.11 to 04.12 - Page nb 6

Special Makro 28.11.2022 - 04.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

1) 650 mm 650 Vitroceramic Touch Control Hob + Model: DHDAOGA (437251) 2) 600 mm, ‘600MGE Touch Control Thermofan ‘Oven with Surf Technology 5799 os + Model 080490 (403615) fey S j eS Bennett Read SAMSUNG 20 ¢ Manual Microwave 28 ¢ Sole Microwave * Mod: eMC? 20248) Poort J L e.BA — 900 mm 4-Gas B ee Ghidea 600 mm Kitchenaire /2-Plate ra aE UI 7 kg Front Loader 13 kg Top Loader Electric Stove [fobs Noor” Washing Machine Washing Machine Frese Sasa ee - * Most DA 304 Mose KA ane wares} isos woes 0 ic Ces 543 ¢ Chest Freezer = pretty iain rs Depth on (DEF . Hisense 226 < Bottom Fridge Hisense _ » ; , Freezer with Water 263 ¢ Bottom Fridge y iidge with Water Dispenser Di Freezer with Water eee Dispenser Sue eS rate a —— ceiaenae Extend the warranty on your product to up to 5 years which includes manufacturer's guarantee. 6 49/2022 Makro DTP TVDL MKNIGM171_Promotion valid from Monday 28 November to Sunday 4 December 2022

Latest specials

1) 650 mm 650 Vitroceramic Touch Control Hob + Model: DHDAOGA (437251) 2) 600 mm, ‘600MGE Touch Control Thermofan ‘Oven with Surf Technology 5799 os + Model 080490 (403615) fey S j eS Bennett Read SAMSUNG 20 ¢ Manual Microwave 28 ¢ Sole Microwave * Mod: eMC? 20248) Poort J L e.BA — 900 mm 4-Gas B ee Ghidea 600 mm Kitchenaire /2-Plate ra aE UI 7 kg Front Loader 13 kg Top Loader Electric Stove [fobs Noor” Washing Machine Washing Machine Frese Sasa ee - * Most DA 304 Mose KA ane wares} isos woes 0 ic Ces 543 ¢ Chest Freezer = pretty iain rs Depth on (DEF . Hisense 226 < Bottom Fridge Hisense _ » ; , Freezer with Water 263 ¢ Bottom Fridge y iidge with Water Dispenser Di Freezer with Water eee Dispenser Sue eS rate a —— ceiaenae Extend the warranty on your product to up to 5 years which includes manufacturer's guarantee. 6 49/2022 Makro DTP TVDL MKNIGM171_Promotion valid from Monday 28 November to Sunday 4 December 2022

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