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Current special Makro - Valid from 30.10 to 31.12 - Page nb 21

Special Makro 30.10.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

GRENDEL at EARN pod t cae ce DE GRENDEL LAMOTE 1 im ROBERTSON 7 E os KEN Forrester ce Rosé Rose Vin de Joie 5 Light Seuvignon Git STELENBOSCH 1 er | vsuiy_| Pad L_samia_| Serve Chen Blane [isnt | Ghent Sone a RHINO RUN ‘Organic Chenin Blane or Sauvignon Blane VAN LOVEREN Classics Collection VAN LOVEREN Heritage Collection ‘CHRISTIENA Collection =m 9 Gar ACCESSORIES ia) OA ee oecceae Rent ww multitude of blessings along with pure -_ resi ates 4 and passion, and it is a great privilege to BAR BUTLER BAR BUTLER BAR BUTLER een ees oLsaes ecpuae seal iees Bawls Seles, Se tinker ony From all my travels, | can confirm that (sal Reece ean scot distinct quality and an overall pleasant tasting experience. All our wines are produced in an ecologically fair trade and Ee elie sue Nae AWK ey Hoe Cor ee Moco ne MAC MANIC Bolt Ciltog ean re Rouse ay ea Tendai ‘Beast’ Mtawarira Black Single Pull Corkscrew (ssse0 [toch Double-Hinged Transs nt 4 = exp teg ye ee ie Bilas The Collection Set =_—_ 45/2022 Mokro DTP TVDL MKNTLG110_Promotion valid from Sunday 30 October to Saturday 31 December 2022 21 y8) avarelo) DRINK RESPONSIBLY. NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18. elt lo)(e! 9SO1 pup i¥-] B [e}t5-Je)0] 0)

Latest specials

GRENDEL at EARN pod t cae ce DE GRENDEL LAMOTE 1 im ROBERTSON 7 E os KEN Forrester ce Rosé Rose Vin de Joie 5 Light Seuvignon Git STELENBOSCH 1 er | vsuiy_| Pad L_samia_| Serve Chen Blane [isnt | Ghent Sone a RHINO RUN ‘Organic Chenin Blane or Sauvignon Blane VAN LOVEREN Classics Collection VAN LOVEREN Heritage Collection ‘CHRISTIENA Collection =m 9 Gar ACCESSORIES ia) OA ee oecceae Rent ww multitude of blessings along with pure -_ resi ates 4 and passion, and it is a great privilege to BAR BUTLER BAR BUTLER BAR BUTLER een ees oLsaes ecpuae seal iees Bawls Seles, Se tinker ony From all my travels, | can confirm that (sal Reece ean scot distinct quality and an overall pleasant tasting experience. All our wines are produced in an ecologically fair trade and Ee elie sue Nae AWK ey Hoe Cor ee Moco ne MAC MANIC Bolt Ciltog ean re Rouse ay ea Tendai ‘Beast’ Mtawarira Black Single Pull Corkscrew (ssse0 [toch Double-Hinged Transs nt 4 = exp teg ye ee ie Bilas The Collection Set =_—_ 45/2022 Mokro DTP TVDL MKNTLG110_Promotion valid from Sunday 30 October to Saturday 31 December 2022 21 y8) avarelo) DRINK RESPONSIBLY. NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18. elt lo)(e! 9SO1 pup i¥-] B [e}t5-Je)0] 0)

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