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Current special Kit Kat Cash and Carry - Valid from 09.02 to 15.02 - Page nb 1

Special Kit Kat Cash and Carry 09.02.2023 - 15.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

* PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR GROCERY LEAFLET e-CATELOGUE ‘Goog | sui PER ‘SUN [Maize Meal ae i Mai ‘Snowflake Cake Fla. fix a i ize Meal aed ae Ze bays wonts| Coss) Se A <a Gans = ee 13° 95 : 4 rs White! 135787 » oe, eas aera Fah) Were 78° 13. | yom BO ei, She e YEAST ’ Stock A Cold Star Re | 4 Powder a =r] —=__. , | S = mae = ay crosée 4| ‘TOP SELL = Team. we RY OuRso! scat sae Tomato Sauce ALLiGY macaw salt fine = Baisrar isn paied Beans } Sauce: f — Wpissorted § 12} 7 Tf 4429 1 94 38 178" oo] SULLY - Wn ®) as ope 178" 33 SNR sc ca | : sean Oe X = / Meat Pome ae] aan = Bm eee KOO, rd DLITE Oi EXCELLA| i ‘Cooking Cooking| : 7 - alt A | 0" oil a| KOO oe? Par 23.7 | 2s st 1348 | KOO) See } 160" Baked KOO ach CRAKALAKA, Beans Butter Halves etre Beans iets on ue | z " ake a | — EXCELLA Dire aan 7 D'LITE | oe D'LITE FitacARONI/ Cooking Oil Cooking Oil } Cooking Oil Coking Ol a ect Cooking Oil Cooking Oil | i Go Fama r Fea | eee 1039" isan S78" Es fa : 2397) RAM { ota) Original = 143967 : RAINBOW. RAINBOW Mixed S$ Sean ; a AA as teas: aa RSA, Raitt) | cca 102" * » Uttramel Custard Ure oncure dover UHT MILK ‘UHT ‘Ultra Full EVER RES JOKO Teabags cunray SPREAD TUB| FULL CREAM] Mux FULL Cream Milk Long Life CREAM Milk | eT SELATI WnTE SUGAR ad oT Feemors| Sey Seg iasen eae 4 ‘Creamer "KELLOGGS- KELLOGGS: = a® 4 os 8 CORN FLAKES Corn | CORNFLAKES "Cor | ———@— Le af a ae { eas: wy56" lati roe FIVE ROSES svar ia.s6 = F oat a3 vat ay stairs st ee we 179" EABAGS TEA BAGS BoKomc | seuani Sugar we 730 42 4.13 = meiner Se @ sincesicr = # cold Drink : it aon 47 | ol 7 35] Om | 2 nates! 23° |. aaa" | 3° 38 103: 8, SAAT 10.82 | Peanut PEPSI amin] REFRESH Ke Butter Cold Drink Assorted oy © ea ser aw, SY MIRANDA/ MOUNTAIN] Bew LOE COKE/sprite I) [Fanta/ Stons Cans Only r > \ = FUSION = rot 4 O10} Assorted Original Bg" 185" |sitnanne ton |e 184"| Seren 138 83" 30" oe 25° Sport REBOOST ou sas RHODES" as Juice Assorted Assorted Frurrerses3. Juice y 2) Ba Pea") 32" acuels 5 accep ait | Cacia e2 | Natural Stil & ae fvour ae CHOC MINI Bar One/ Smarties/ Tex Only at caDBURY| see SLAB 2s = Assorted z 13) BTo | eeunr Oh| sit 147" he 2 PS. Max cap 3522 roe SMOOTHIESS Mini Assorted ‘CHAPPIES| TOFILUK ‘SUPA PROMOTION STARTS : THURSDAY 09" FEBRUARY TO WEDNESDAY 15™ FEBRUARY 2023

Latest specials

* PRETORIA WEST * SILVERTON * MAMELODI *KLIPTOWN *BENONI SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD OUR GROCERY LEAFLET e-CATELOGUE ‘Goog | sui PER ‘SUN [Maize Meal ae i Mai ‘Snowflake Cake Fla. fix a i ize Meal aed ae Ze bays wonts| Coss) Se A <a Gans = ee 13° 95 : 4 rs White! 135787 » oe, eas aera Fah) Were 78° 13. | yom BO ei, She e YEAST ’ Stock A Cold Star Re | 4 Powder a =r] —=__. , | S = mae = ay crosée 4| ‘TOP SELL = Team. we RY OuRso! scat sae Tomato Sauce ALLiGY macaw salt fine = Baisrar isn paied Beans } Sauce: f — Wpissorted § 12} 7 Tf 4429 1 94 38 178" oo] SULLY - Wn ®) as ope 178" 33 SNR sc ca | : sean Oe X = / Meat Pome ae] aan = Bm eee KOO, rd DLITE Oi EXCELLA| i ‘Cooking Cooking| : 7 - alt A | 0" oil a| KOO oe? Par 23.7 | 2s st 1348 | KOO) See } 160" Baked KOO ach CRAKALAKA, Beans Butter Halves etre Beans iets on ue | z " ake a | — EXCELLA Dire aan 7 D'LITE | oe D'LITE FitacARONI/ Cooking Oil Cooking Oil } Cooking Oil Coking Ol a ect Cooking Oil Cooking Oil | i Go Fama r Fea | eee 1039" isan S78" Es fa : 2397) RAM { ota) Original = 143967 : RAINBOW. RAINBOW Mixed S$ Sean ; a AA as teas: aa RSA, Raitt) | cca 102" * » Uttramel Custard Ure oncure dover UHT MILK ‘UHT ‘Ultra Full EVER RES JOKO Teabags cunray SPREAD TUB| FULL CREAM] Mux FULL Cream Milk Long Life CREAM Milk | eT SELATI WnTE SUGAR ad oT Feemors| Sey Seg iasen eae 4 ‘Creamer "KELLOGGS- KELLOGGS: = a® 4 os 8 CORN FLAKES Corn | CORNFLAKES "Cor | ———@— Le af a ae { eas: wy56" lati roe FIVE ROSES svar ia.s6 = F oat a3 vat ay stairs st ee we 179" EABAGS TEA BAGS BoKomc | seuani Sugar we 730 42 4.13 = meiner Se @ sincesicr = # cold Drink : it aon 47 | ol 7 35] Om | 2 nates! 23° |. aaa" | 3° 38 103: 8, SAAT 10.82 | Peanut PEPSI amin] REFRESH Ke Butter Cold Drink Assorted oy © ea ser aw, SY MIRANDA/ MOUNTAIN] Bew LOE COKE/sprite I) [Fanta/ Stons Cans Only r > \ = FUSION = rot 4 O10} Assorted Original Bg" 185" |sitnanne ton |e 184"| Seren 138 83" 30" oe 25° Sport REBOOST ou sas RHODES" as Juice Assorted Assorted Frurrerses3. Juice y 2) Ba Pea") 32" acuels 5 accep ait | Cacia e2 | Natural Stil & ae fvour ae CHOC MINI Bar One/ Smarties/ Tex Only at caDBURY| see SLAB 2s = Assorted z 13) BTo | eeunr Oh| sit 147" he 2 PS. Max cap 3522 roe SMOOTHIESS Mini Assorted ‘CHAPPIES| TOFILUK ‘SUPA PROMOTION STARTS : THURSDAY 09" FEBRUARY TO WEDNESDAY 15™ FEBRUARY 2023

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