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Current special Justine - Valid from 01.09 to 30.09 - Page nb 99

Special Justine 01.09.2023 - 30.09.2023

Products in this catalogue

NOURISH & PROTECT SKIN WITH VITAMIN E The Original Body Balance range is formulated with soothing chamomile & wheatgerm oil, which is rich in vitamin E, to help nourish while also enhancing skin’s moisture Helps reduce the appearance of uneven skin tone under the arms body balance BODY WASH BODY WASH 1. Body Balance Cleansing ~. Phe Body Wash 7 250 ml Code 1324980 we Regulor Price R99 my pez ae J w 2. Body Balance , ody Anti-Perspirant LAWITH GLYCERIN | bolonce Rohn Peodoronl ) 50 ml Code 1337558 Regular Price R29 Ras a @ © g GIFT ORDER CODE 860411 oO OE | ces ae i) BOTH FOR R119 5 +] *Bosed on a clinical study.

Latest specials

NOURISH & PROTECT SKIN WITH VITAMIN E The Original Body Balance range is formulated with soothing chamomile & wheatgerm oil, which is rich in vitamin E, to help nourish while also enhancing skin’s moisture Helps reduce the appearance of uneven skin tone under the arms body balance BODY WASH BODY WASH 1. Body Balance Cleansing ~. Phe Body Wash 7 250 ml Code 1324980 we Regulor Price R99 my pez ae J w 2. Body Balance , ody Anti-Perspirant LAWITH GLYCERIN | bolonce Rohn Peodoronl ) 50 ml Code 1337558 Regular Price R29 Ras a @ © g GIFT ORDER CODE 860411 oO OE | ces ae i) BOTH FOR R119 5 +] *Bosed on a clinical study.

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