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Current special Justine - Valid from 01.01 to 31.01 - Page nb 2

Special Justine 01.01.2023 - 31.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

CONTENTS JANUARY 2023 Offers valid from 1 to 31 January 2023 fel 4 TISSUE OIL m 16 [eee @ 1 8 SKINCARE i 30 FRAGRANCE | 44 MEN’S STORE a 56 STYLE STORE ial 68 GIFTING a 74 MAKE-UP a7 BATH & BODY Justine Medium Gift Bag 25 cm Lx 8 cm W x 21.8 emH limited Edition Code 1464412 Regular Price R49 Ce) SAVE R14 Look ov ier our special gifting offers just for you, marked with this icon Ute aie Tree of Hope Gift Set* LSC aE: e/a Lu) extender Pendant: 1.9 cm x 2.4 cm Earrings: 1 cm x 2 cm are YA. § RIO9 UT ess la Meas zie iClear dein) Code 1438341 R95 Il mime Ke (sole Me Mu celta Id & have actively participated in community initiatives. We support the Thuthukisa Together yea Litters together UM Cre ie Helping Hands Celle Me eit kai 50 ml Code 53149 RA5 foe ony se0s0n your Justine prodect does ect sotshy your eapectotions, it wil be exthonged lec onctber or the puechese price ‘willbe seirivursed. This quasantee & valid See thewe months feoe the date eFinice. Gaorentee does not exclede ny sstutory wareantie, Fee omy queries, cetuans or service issuts, kindly co¥ 087 011 2866 ‘e¢ emol justine queies Groves com: JUSTINE CUSTOMER CARE LINE 087 011 2866 Sevings bored ca Regelar Prices. All pices ore recommended rete pices. Menoyng Drectoe~ hoa hstne Soh Nice @® Sera: RSG Merde, CW eyes, BA ended Initiative fo uplift less fortunate communities pret or Seer Prices wad ony in Southern Alico. Al pies ieee WA & may nat tess exc en Yr aie ort nat oureganting the date &ploc ct eeery/coecton ol your ener.

Latest specials

CONTENTS JANUARY 2023 Offers valid from 1 to 31 January 2023 fel 4 TISSUE OIL m 16 [eee @ 1 8 SKINCARE i 30 FRAGRANCE | 44 MEN’S STORE a 56 STYLE STORE ial 68 GIFTING a 74 MAKE-UP a7 BATH & BODY Justine Medium Gift Bag 25 cm Lx 8 cm W x 21.8 emH limited Edition Code 1464412 Regular Price R49 Ce) SAVE R14 Look ov ier our special gifting offers just for you, marked with this icon Ute aie Tree of Hope Gift Set* LSC aE: e/a Lu) extender Pendant: 1.9 cm x 2.4 cm Earrings: 1 cm x 2 cm are YA. § RIO9 UT ess la Meas zie iClear dein) Code 1438341 R95 Il mime Ke (sole Me Mu celta Id & have actively participated in community initiatives. We support the Thuthukisa Together yea Litters together UM Cre ie Helping Hands Celle Me eit kai 50 ml Code 53149 RA5 foe ony se0s0n your Justine prodect does ect sotshy your eapectotions, it wil be exthonged lec onctber or the puechese price ‘willbe seirivursed. This quasantee & valid See thewe months feoe the date eFinice. Gaorentee does not exclede ny sstutory wareantie, Fee omy queries, cetuans or service issuts, kindly co¥ 087 011 2866 ‘e¢ emol justine queies Groves com: JUSTINE CUSTOMER CARE LINE 087 011 2866 Sevings bored ca Regelar Prices. All pices ore recommended rete pices. Menoyng Drectoe~ hoa hstne Soh Nice @® Sera: RSG Merde, CW eyes, BA ended Initiative fo uplift less fortunate communities pret or Seer Prices wad ony in Southern Alico. Al pies ieee WA & may nat tess exc en Yr aie ort nat oureganting the date &ploc ct eeery/coecton ol your ener.

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