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Current special Incredible Connection - Valid from 01.02 to 28.02 - Page nb 12

Special Incredible Connection 01.02.2023 - 28.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

Televisions & gaming on contract SKYWORTH 32” Android HD LED TV-32STD6500 + Resolution : 1366 x768 - HDMI x2, USB x 2 « Bluetooth 5.0, WIFI, LAN + DSTV Now / Showmax - Youtube/Netlix/Prime Video «Infinity Screen Beers ee see xu eds eel nea aN) BN icesatice) eae 209... re uae ty 10GB Anytime + 10GB Night-Surfer Creer oc oo SAMSUNG a Te RU ae NOY (elie) Ooi hae ee BUS Sse RES ae cy Ber Ne) rele iT. g Ko}: Ee re ea ecru eanc se uestics De noe ui orcg Telkom (@) XBOXSERIES S Paley eet eM ele ees Cy Sieber sker nrc STN ieee et) Bette eae Per Terie) DT cute RTL out) SOA uO seu) Lightweight « Built-In Controllers » Perfect For Solo Gamers nee eee ts) SA Te) a| COM UCIT Raa 6 AVAL elle) Bae Reese ny WIFI, LAN Youtube/Netflix/Prime Video + Android TV 110 with Google Play store + Google Assistant & Chromecast « FHD Digital DVB-T2 TV - (10266863) - TV License Required Cure) hi 7. 7 ee col Piece cry Pree Onurease sn esos Cre Teo uo men WWW Hisense EME uals |Meat 2s) See eee esr Boreas Peete tee eric BUS ee Pee RED CLL Paes oN CONTRACT uh Ce a ar Pe yO eid Plus Huawei E5576 Mifi Router ‘Teom (Abaco esitall=cb4 Slee aus Wx) + Next Gen Series X Console Includes FIFA 23 eRe het hue ents MTT laa se CL + Resolution 1920 x1080 + Dolby audio » Bezelless cee ra ea eS bebe) +3 Year Warranty « (10284224) « TV License Required ey ele 72h le Cie uae ry 10GB Anytime + 10GB Night-Surfer ret nou oo CIMT es Ayla Mie ec cet ee ered BN cals yes gi ae EOS heed + 3 year warranty « (10283829) « TV License Required on CONTRACT BY AS oes Pea ae Pier Oe ag Plus Huawei E5576 Mifi Router Telkom ogee eee reer ieee eect Reena Ban sear lyon Bei es TCLs roy og KE} Peco KR}: es bos}: Bgl rete eer peat pete tieraerr peepee erode peer erorele permeate oe Treo Plus Huawei E5576 Mifi Router

Latest specials

Televisions & gaming on contract SKYWORTH 32” Android HD LED TV-32STD6500 + Resolution : 1366 x768 - HDMI x2, USB x 2 « Bluetooth 5.0, WIFI, LAN + DSTV Now / Showmax - Youtube/Netlix/Prime Video «Infinity Screen Beers ee see xu eds eel nea aN) BN icesatice) eae 209... re uae ty 10GB Anytime + 10GB Night-Surfer Creer oc oo SAMSUNG a Te RU ae NOY (elie) Ooi hae ee BUS Sse RES ae cy Ber Ne) rele iT. g Ko}: Ee re ea ecru eanc se uestics De noe ui orcg Telkom (@) XBOXSERIES S Paley eet eM ele ees Cy Sieber sker nrc STN ieee et) Bette eae Per Terie) DT cute RTL out) SOA uO seu) Lightweight « Built-In Controllers » Perfect For Solo Gamers nee eee ts) SA Te) a| COM UCIT Raa 6 AVAL elle) Bae Reese ny WIFI, LAN Youtube/Netflix/Prime Video + Android TV 110 with Google Play store + Google Assistant & Chromecast « FHD Digital DVB-T2 TV - (10266863) - TV License Required Cure) hi 7. 7 ee col Piece cry Pree Onurease sn esos Cre Teo uo men WWW Hisense EME uals |Meat 2s) See eee esr Boreas Peete tee eric BUS ee Pee RED CLL Paes oN CONTRACT uh Ce a ar Pe yO eid Plus Huawei E5576 Mifi Router ‘Teom (Abaco esitall=cb4 Slee aus Wx) + Next Gen Series X Console Includes FIFA 23 eRe het hue ents MTT laa se CL + Resolution 1920 x1080 + Dolby audio » Bezelless cee ra ea eS bebe) +3 Year Warranty « (10284224) « TV License Required ey ele 72h le Cie uae ry 10GB Anytime + 10GB Night-Surfer ret nou oo CIMT es Ayla Mie ec cet ee ered BN cals yes gi ae EOS heed + 3 year warranty « (10283829) « TV License Required on CONTRACT BY AS oes Pea ae Pier Oe ag Plus Huawei E5576 Mifi Router Telkom ogee eee reer ieee eect Reena Ban sear lyon Bei es TCLs roy og KE} Peco KR}: es bos}: Bgl rete eer peat pete tieraerr peepee erode peer erorele permeate oe Treo Plus Huawei E5576 Mifi Router

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