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Current special House & Home - Valid from 01.08 to 31.08 - Page nb 9

Special House & Home 01.08.2023 - 31.08.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAVE R800 SAVE R600 R4499 R6 899 Undercounter Undercounter Oven & Hob Oven & Hob Combo Combo DCB822E DCB866E Ea ENERGY RATING ¢ 3-Year Warranty SAVE R2300 SAVE R2009 Combi Premium Water-on-Tap Black Brushed Bottom-Freezer Metal-Finish Fridge 4-Door DAC840 Water-on-Tap Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge DFF440 ca cE ENERGY ENERGY RATING RATING NATURELIGHT TECHNOLOGY °3 +2 Years (with registration) Warranty

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SAVE R800 SAVE R600 R4499 R6 899 Undercounter Undercounter Oven & Hob Oven & Hob Combo Combo DCB822E DCB866E Ea ENERGY RATING ¢ 3-Year Warranty SAVE R2300 SAVE R2009 Combi Premium Water-on-Tap Black Brushed Bottom-Freezer Metal-Finish Fridge 4-Door DAC840 Water-on-Tap Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge DFF440 ca cE ENERGY ENERGY RATING RATING NATURELIGHT TECHNOLOGY °3 +2 Years (with registration) Warranty

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