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Current special House & Home - Valid from 01.07 to 31.07 - Page nb 7

Special House & Home 01.07.2023 - 31.07.2023

Products in this catalogue

R4 SAVE R300 EULER ga TCS Ng Peto) BPC aN e LG Sete Reta} Sees) Bee tamer ais Broce acum) Daren solar m as ROMs Mote ole Men Ree es eae oa a) ee ne eee ceca emcee Reed ce R4499 | Ger) R7999 | GEFY) SAVE R1000 na ‘ENERGY RATING (@EFY) White Auto Dryer DTD258 (@EFY) Metallic Condenser Dryer DTD 322 + 2-Year Warranty SAVE R300 [3 5ks + 2-Year Warranty Sent aera DCL ye Toe R7 SAVE RSOO Goce oe Dery pias Se Sanu OEM ool othe Fuzzy Logic Technology ese SR rer UCU ba Ua RE eeu Pers UCR Ue eso) atte OO un melts Cries SAVE R500 Grey Top-Loader Washing Machine DTLI6O Eras

Latest specials

R4 SAVE R300 EULER ga TCS Ng Peto) BPC aN e LG Sete Reta} Sees) Bee tamer ais Broce acum) Daren solar m as ROMs Mote ole Men Ree es eae oa a) ee ne eee ceca emcee Reed ce R4499 | Ger) R7999 | GEFY) SAVE R1000 na ‘ENERGY RATING (@EFY) White Auto Dryer DTD258 (@EFY) Metallic Condenser Dryer DTD 322 + 2-Year Warranty SAVE R300 [3 5ks + 2-Year Warranty Sent aera DCL ye Toe R7 SAVE RSOO Goce oe Dery pias Se Sanu OEM ool othe Fuzzy Logic Technology ese SR rer UCU ba Ua RE eeu Pers UCR Ue eso) atte OO un melts Cries SAVE R500 Grey Top-Loader Washing Machine DTLI6O Eras

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