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Current special House & Home - Valid from 06.03 to 21.03 - Page nb 8

Special House & Home 06.03.2023 - 21.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

N$4999 Univa N$2999 Hisense NS$3999 SAVE NS400 | piack 4-Plate SAVE N$300 wae eed SAVE N$300 Gael Stove oS yeer $180 PM X.24 months. NS400 deposit * 2-Year Guarantee ————— Guarantee Black 4-Burner Gas Stove DGSI68 + 3-Year Warranty * 4 High-Quality Gas Burners (Cast Aluminium) * Gas Oven + 57-Litre Capacity * Top Lid * Oven Flame Failure Device SAVE NS400. | Oven and Hob set + 2-Year H 1215mm_ Guarantee W 610mm D 660mm eee @ ece CONVENIENT & AFFORDABLE FAVOURITES | NOW ONLY | @usetHott: NG$33Q9|SAMSUNG W$G9Q ToPiece $4499 | KENWOOD - Aluminium N$1499 | miror-poor — savENS300 |Metalle Save S100 Pot Set SAVE N$300 | Pressure Microwave Oven per set ue PcM6O RHEM2IL peseaey Guarantee Cc j Sr SS JO , ~ ye ¥KARCHER’ Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner WD3 V-17 PLATINUM Russell Hobbs © OttimO) ottimo) Surge Pl - aie zoow 99 nina ann Neazqg | =. N$239" NS299% NS169° — jg349% —NS499 aoe \ NS nso SAVENS60 ee are Nad ‘Re Gi Sn @Q Pca nu na Rie ae) 2 Walvis Bay — (054) 200 020/52 Wer Park Mall (051) 204 4303/4, Maerua Mall (061) 300 678/62. Terms and Conon: pics advertised are applicable within Namibia ony Al terms include depos, §§ Wien race charges bt xia marae a eey Che, les oes onde your Ot 3 ment parelpa, tof eadenca nol dean} mans and mony expres = ersur rapid responce to your crt appcabon. No Depost and Terms tect to cred approval Depost may have 1 be pas. SMS fr eet ~ SMS casts NST. rods are valle om al branches howeve. due ou A ie 25 There’s no place like Flouse &llome tb. vat range. all products may not necessarily be on play inal Stores. Al products mead nes are nat! value Pre-approved rod subject fo cred checks. Slandard Terms and Condos apply Uay-by lable on salted sack. Enqure e-store fr more deta Standard tas and cendtion apply. Find ay tam cheaper at any oer eal jrowde o quot ox cure catalogue and we wil refund the ference pA ‘ol the diference Ths conditional on the day of purchase rom House & Home an the perio fo wh the pice from House & Home vad for anol thereafter The er excludes Store Openings, Clearances or Limited Quarta flere, ecessaies opberal extras Shaad an ero occur x ncompeteormabn be pied i i advertsoment we wl pay a roiceW-tre wh al he corect deta. Shope hekers (PT) {ld Va House & Home an Autherted Pranctl Services Prove and Shape vestment Lid an Authored Cred Provider No Dealers alowed Errors and Omissions excepted PRICES VALID FROM 6 - 21 MARCH 2023, WHILE STOCKS LAST.

Latest specials

N$4999 Univa N$2999 Hisense NS$3999 SAVE NS400 | piack 4-Plate SAVE N$300 wae eed SAVE N$300 Gael Stove oS yeer $180 PM X.24 months. NS400 deposit * 2-Year Guarantee ————— Guarantee Black 4-Burner Gas Stove DGSI68 + 3-Year Warranty * 4 High-Quality Gas Burners (Cast Aluminium) * Gas Oven + 57-Litre Capacity * Top Lid * Oven Flame Failure Device SAVE NS400. | Oven and Hob set + 2-Year H 1215mm_ Guarantee W 610mm D 660mm eee @ ece CONVENIENT & AFFORDABLE FAVOURITES | NOW ONLY | @usetHott: NG$33Q9|SAMSUNG W$G9Q ToPiece $4499 | KENWOOD - Aluminium N$1499 | miror-poor — savENS300 |Metalle Save S100 Pot Set SAVE N$300 | Pressure Microwave Oven per set ue PcM6O RHEM2IL peseaey Guarantee Cc j Sr SS JO , ~ ye ¥KARCHER’ Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner WD3 V-17 PLATINUM Russell Hobbs © OttimO) ottimo) Surge Pl - aie zoow 99 nina ann Neazqg | =. N$239" NS299% NS169° — jg349% —NS499 aoe \ NS nso SAVENS60 ee are Nad ‘Re Gi Sn @Q Pca nu na Rie ae) 2 Walvis Bay — (054) 200 020/52 Wer Park Mall (051) 204 4303/4, Maerua Mall (061) 300 678/62. Terms and Conon: pics advertised are applicable within Namibia ony Al terms include depos, §§ Wien race charges bt xia marae a eey Che, les oes onde your Ot 3 ment parelpa, tof eadenca nol dean} mans and mony expres = ersur rapid responce to your crt appcabon. No Depost and Terms tect to cred approval Depost may have 1 be pas. SMS fr eet ~ SMS casts NST. rods are valle om al branches howeve. due ou A ie 25 There’s no place like Flouse &llome tb. vat range. all products may not necessarily be on play inal Stores. Al products mead nes are nat! value Pre-approved rod subject fo cred checks. Slandard Terms and Condos apply Uay-by lable on salted sack. Enqure e-store fr more deta Standard tas and cendtion apply. Find ay tam cheaper at any oer eal jrowde o quot ox cure catalogue and we wil refund the ference pA ‘ol the diference Ths conditional on the day of purchase rom House & Home an the perio fo wh the pice from House & Home vad for anol thereafter The er excludes Store Openings, Clearances or Limited Quarta flere, ecessaies opberal extras Shaad an ero occur x ncompeteormabn be pied i i advertsoment we wl pay a roiceW-tre wh al he corect deta. Shope hekers (PT) {ld Va House & Home an Autherted Pranctl Services Prove and Shape vestment Lid an Authored Cred Provider No Dealers alowed Errors and Omissions excepted PRICES VALID FROM 6 - 21 MARCH 2023, WHILE STOCKS LAST.

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