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Current special Game - Valid from 07.12 to 06.02 - Page nb 1

Special Game 07.12.2022 - 06.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

SAMSUNG Galaxy A04 4G Smartphone @ Ee iPhone 11 64GB Smartphone “@ S) ©® ge © kOn a) so 3 © s0pRam 3268 ROM 4sana ecSoitom wactonty CONTRACT warrenty 220 ce New & Upgrade Contracts: u a -for- +50 Minutes: ‘“ mE = Zw Mis New 8 Uprade convo Tre | SOOME Night Ont RISO Airtime Value PM 7" = 3GB Video Ticket (1GB PM x3) ety aaa Startup data bundle or ont CONTRACT, eee: (Grete ito 30d) r (cet Ane Oa ater 30 ans) Koa (ers (tees vali trom 07 Ove 2022 -06 Feb 2023. Stavdord terms an condeions apphy Contract deat are subject to signing anew 24/36-month Vodacom Contract and a once ff SIM and conection fee of R204 on allen Coneracts uniessctherwize stated. #Subject to RICA and in-store actaton of Prepiid Starter Pack VAT rcv. ERDE. All Once-off Data bundles wil hove vaisby up uti 2859 ofthe B0kh day trom ‘nd including the dy of purchase. Git cards are net nude in Prepaid deals Gt card may nck be redeemed fr cash or as paynent on etalmert Plaase bing 1 book, proof of address, and 3 months’ bank Statemercs. Fr fl terms and condtions and qualéyng devices vst woda comvretaa-device and vodscom.coza Al Deas vate whe stacks Lait Tht cone - Ui insurance prodact undertten by Voddcem Ineurance Company. a Lcensad non-Ue neuer Terms and constant apply. vis Vodacom 02a The acaten ofthe adStiona dia and vaca minutes are en paw lines Ory ad nok on upgrade OF prepa on doth (une ats cry the ain Une wl receive te aiocation oe ation data and Oke minNAeS.

Latest specials

SAMSUNG Galaxy A04 4G Smartphone @ Ee iPhone 11 64GB Smartphone “@ S) ©® ge © kOn a) so 3 © s0pRam 3268 ROM 4sana ecSoitom wactonty CONTRACT warrenty 220 ce New & Upgrade Contracts: u a -for- +50 Minutes: ‘“ mE = Zw Mis New 8 Uprade convo Tre | SOOME Night Ont RISO Airtime Value PM 7" = 3GB Video Ticket (1GB PM x3) ety aaa Startup data bundle or ont CONTRACT, eee: (Grete ito 30d) r (cet Ane Oa ater 30 ans) Koa (ers (tees vali trom 07 Ove 2022 -06 Feb 2023. Stavdord terms an condeions apphy Contract deat are subject to signing anew 24/36-month Vodacom Contract and a once ff SIM and conection fee of R204 on allen Coneracts uniessctherwize stated. #Subject to RICA and in-store actaton of Prepiid Starter Pack VAT rcv. ERDE. All Once-off Data bundles wil hove vaisby up uti 2859 ofthe B0kh day trom ‘nd including the dy of purchase. Git cards are net nude in Prepaid deals Gt card may nck be redeemed fr cash or as paynent on etalmert Plaase bing 1 book, proof of address, and 3 months’ bank Statemercs. Fr fl terms and condtions and qualéyng devices vst woda comvretaa-device and vodscom.coza Al Deas vate whe stacks Lait Tht cone - Ui insurance prodact undertten by Voddcem Ineurance Company. a Lcensad non-Ue neuer Terms and constant apply. vis Vodacom 02a The acaten ofthe adStiona dia and vaca minutes are en paw lines Ory ad nok on upgrade OF prepa on doth (une ats cry the ain Une wl receive te aiocation oe ation data and Oke minNAeS.

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