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Current special Game - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 19.12 to 24.12 - Page nb 2

Special Game 19.12.2022 - 24.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

ce Bae ga * eS Discover the best version of yourself with every day low, low prices: , q low | | Assorted Antiburst A ¢ Body Ball’ ELM = Builcs core strength s TROJAN . *eumed Peters Heeen, RZ7Y eames 7 tntetne oes 1 TRAN §=PIQ5.,., 2 a CS a SS Henvonw RADE TROJAN 10¢ eecstctccers SAR WEI( TROJAN are Extreme Door Gym ‘ ain in the ca wn home and experience TROJAN ) = Used for multiple exercises e convenience ning has to offer Weight Plate 7.5kg + Foam grip for comfort «Item no: 822613 SAVE4O + hem no: 775785, SAVE4S TROJAN , TROJAN , Weight Plate tkg : Weight Plate 10kg | + Item no: 828639 SAVES + Item no: 822694 SAVES2 TROJAN Twist And Si 7 I = | 00% pain valk a TROJAN TROJAN [ + Upper and tower body toni Weight Plate 2.5kg “oJ Weight Plate 15kg mo, . + tem no: 822712 SAVERS emo: 822676 SAVESI + Item no: 777408 SAVE210 TROJAN 14 TROJAN ) Ly — Weight Plate Skg Weight Plate 20kg | + hem no: 822695 ‘SAVES: + Item no: 822599 ‘SAVE105: TROJAN Excercise Wheel 1 TROJAN with Foam Handles ‘ a) Squat Rack + Builds core strength . g £2 BB - 120k9 maximum weight + Abs and arms : "i vi + Provide support for squat + Item na: 811446 SAVES + Item no: 809284 SAVE 180 oe TROJAN Dumbbelt’Pr4,, I 300Bench » [4pm BB - acjustabie backrest * + Non-slip rubber feet SAVE270 + 120kg Max toad weight +2 Year warranty «Item no: 800702 ee \\eedl 2| SAGSGAI925 | DEALS VALID 19 - 24 DECEMBER 2022

Latest specials

ce Bae ga * eS Discover the best version of yourself with every day low, low prices: , q low | | Assorted Antiburst A ¢ Body Ball’ ELM = Builcs core strength s TROJAN . *eumed Peters Heeen, RZ7Y eames 7 tntetne oes 1 TRAN §=PIQ5.,., 2 a CS a SS Henvonw RADE TROJAN 10¢ eecstctccers SAR WEI( TROJAN are Extreme Door Gym ‘ ain in the ca wn home and experience TROJAN ) = Used for multiple exercises e convenience ning has to offer Weight Plate 7.5kg + Foam grip for comfort «Item no: 822613 SAVE4O + hem no: 775785, SAVE4S TROJAN , TROJAN , Weight Plate tkg : Weight Plate 10kg | + Item no: 828639 SAVES + Item no: 822694 SAVES2 TROJAN Twist And Si 7 I = | 00% pain valk a TROJAN TROJAN [ + Upper and tower body toni Weight Plate 2.5kg “oJ Weight Plate 15kg mo, . + tem no: 822712 SAVERS emo: 822676 SAVESI + Item no: 777408 SAVE210 TROJAN 14 TROJAN ) Ly — Weight Plate Skg Weight Plate 20kg | + hem no: 822695 ‘SAVES: + Item no: 822599 ‘SAVE105: TROJAN Excercise Wheel 1 TROJAN with Foam Handles ‘ a) Squat Rack + Builds core strength . g £2 BB - 120k9 maximum weight + Abs and arms : "i vi + Provide support for squat + Item na: 811446 SAVES + Item no: 809284 SAVE 180 oe TROJAN Dumbbelt’Pr4,, I 300Bench » [4pm BB - acjustabie backrest * + Non-slip rubber feet SAVE270 + 120kg Max toad weight +2 Year warranty «Item no: 800702 ee \\eedl 2| SAGSGAI925 | DEALS VALID 19 - 24 DECEMBER 2022

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