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Current special Game - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 30.11 to 13.12 - Page nb 6

Special Game 30.11.2022 - 13.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

KEEPYOUR COOL! Don’t mind us, we're just chilling with these unbeatable prices. Univa oe 210 L Chest Freezer (uczom ra 3199 SAVE 200 ON CREDIT R167 &: TOTAL REPAYABLE: R5,987 @ 20.25% eas 499 SAVE 400 ON CREDIT 481 LWhike Chest Freezer {OMF456) R345 ': xs PRIN} DLT ad MORE WAYS - TO PAY. mc ree hee ely (once MYSTORE CARD OR PAY WITH ANY OF THESE CARDS. vg SAVE 200 SAVE 250 ail TNL ad = LO oe4 GED —— = pa 323 L Bottom Freezer Fridge Metat (0Ac627) aes ees Et SAVE 1500 Ny ON CREDIT E oe R280 a _ SAVE 200 ~ aes Pte) SAVE 1000 ‘ON CREDIT R406 «: xs SAVE 400

Latest specials

KEEPYOUR COOL! Don’t mind us, we're just chilling with these unbeatable prices. Univa oe 210 L Chest Freezer (uczom ra 3199 SAVE 200 ON CREDIT R167 &: TOTAL REPAYABLE: R5,987 @ 20.25% eas 499 SAVE 400 ON CREDIT 481 LWhike Chest Freezer {OMF456) R345 ': xs PRIN} DLT ad MORE WAYS - TO PAY. mc ree hee ely (once MYSTORE CARD OR PAY WITH ANY OF THESE CARDS. vg SAVE 200 SAVE 250 ail TNL ad = LO oe4 GED —— = pa 323 L Bottom Freezer Fridge Metat (0Ac627) aes ees Et SAVE 1500 Ny ON CREDIT E oe R280 a _ SAVE 200 ~ aes Pte) SAVE 1000 ‘ON CREDIT R406 «: xs SAVE 400

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